[VFM] Poisonous Mafia - (3/17) - Completed

Veto - solid targets are for poisoner.
Lynches are for actually more “contrtoversial” targets, so everyone can get opinions of it.

Like… even in other games it’s mechanicly correct to leave redchecks to vig and lynch outside of it.

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Watching Emilia and Eevee flail around makes my already great day even better. Want a sip?

That’s usually because vig is guilted and TP is guiltless

Even more so if the redcheck is the vig to begin with. Duh.

Lynching a rolecop would be beneficial as well

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Since they could use it to find backup

Much less than benefit we get from wagonomics and day of wolf hunt reason is because only one TK is left who has hidden backup

Not really.

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Ok they wont beleive you til you provide a better lynch, thats what im trying to tell you. No ones gonna agree with you in the situation that theres not a better lynch, and with no option given your pov looks like the worse of the two options for the lynch. Like if you can say player X was off wagon/ or like last to hop on, not given reads, has given reads but really weak, or really hard townread eevee and amelia. Or just have a case thats the way to convince people. Not just saying their points are irrellevant and 1/6 is not a good enough chance. We need hard points not just lynch outside it. Thats all i ask. Go do wagonomics of yesterdays lynch, go iso a player or two. Fighting over lynch when we have like 30ish hours left aint pushing day forward.

Dat, current reads outside of the redcheck situation?

If we have no reads at all and have no idea who to lynch then it’s even better to lynch outside because we will get better idea of reads and wagonomics


Yes because otherwise we go into next day with no reads again

eevee what do you think of Emilias plan?

It’s same plan as mine, so… good?

I dunno what answer you expect.

But it would be weird if I disliekd own plan, duh.

…… I’m fucking out of here. This is the dumbest crap I’ve ever heard. How the hell is your idea similar to Emilia’s? Honestly, I expected much better from you


Around what Im feeling with POE Starting at Sulit, with potential for anyone in the Psquid to Hippo section. The four in that zone keep fluctuating a lot in my reads. Sometimes Im townreading them, other times I’m not

Ok so I reread Emilias plan

Eh I still think eevee is wolf but I think we should consider Emilias plan.

if DB is cop then he gets another night to check; unless mafia kill him, and then he’s outted

If eevee is TP then DB gets poisoned and someone else gets night killed. MP probably poisons eevee.

Question is, who do we lynch?