[VFM] Poisonous Mafia - (3/17) - Completed


Is anyone even able to discuss here?

Dat seems most logical and I’m in thunderome with him, rest is just “lol, u scum, u lie”, despite Dat being one who claim check.

Wtf is this.

lol thats cuz u scum and u lie

If you guys are going to shade me can you at least iso me first


I want opinions on everyone if possible, and at least one iso on the person you think is scummiest other than Eevee, the more the better. A good two sentence or three sentences explaining your reasonig on people would make me the perfect read list

okay I need one more like on my post then I got chu


I want your opinion on exactly eevee too.

Also corona virus is a bioweapon confirmed

u scum.

i was asking for not an iso on eevee, still want ur read

ill explain the read I had on you pre-red check though

@sulit pls like

bro that’s a lot of work

and not needed right now?

btw why is no one around? its 3 est on a saturday and were supposed to be social distancing so like ??



fuck off eevee

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He means social distancing irl :slight_smile: