[VFM] Poisonous Mafia - (3/17) - Completed

That argument is stupid and you know it.

Why wouldn’t I tell them now what to do after I get lynched?

Wait, unless you just slipped that mafia chat is night only…

Momentum isn’t just defined by wagons, but by the mood of the thread as well, and Alice DID vote before you did anyways.

Plus Vulgard liked the Amelia wagon more partly because of the wagon behind it versus SDA

No? They voted after me?

Anyways we should wait for Alice/Arete/Vulgard before we lynch this if we do

And we need to discuss poison target for Alice

You don’t need to do second thing, but that’s beyond a point.

Do I have to post Eevee’s scumslip again?

I finished my reads list


Oh I have 5 likes okay.

also by finished I mean finished all but like 3 figure out why later

(Copied from playerlist)

  1. sulit Light town//Null Similar to Crich I have not seen them around too much untill more recently. I have liked what I saw overall but I need to interact more with them in order to get a better read.

  2. eevee: Lockscum Couple reasons here for this one. Obviously with me redchecking them they are always going to flip scum here. Though, I did read them as scum before the check. I realised from past games with them that reading them purley socially will never work at my level, their too smart. So I looked for some patters of scum/town. I noticed that they tend to play more seriouslt as Scum. They try harder overall when playing scum so this leads me to belive that they are scum here.

  3. Napoleon Town? I remeber thinking to myself that they are town, honestly can’t remember why. Probabaly just gut, ill ISO them after.

  4. Alice Locktown: This read largley comes from playing as a wolf with them from CoC. As wolf they tend to shade their partners and are always ready to push for a buss if they need too. They do not buss in the same way I do though, and more so set up progression so it looks natural if they need too. I do not see this here, an I belive they are town.

  5. Marshal Heavy Town Lean: going to be doing an ISO for them after I post this to explain.

  6. Vulgard Locktown Do I really need to explain this read?

  7. Arete Null Honestly fuck reading arete. I give up. You guys can read arete. Their probabaly town seeing as how dat is alive.

  8. DatBird Locktown Pre-D2 I had him as heavy town read. Dat just is not in their scum meta. Hes activley solving and wants to solve. As scum he either just dosent post, or spams shitty walposts. He has done neither of those. Also the cop claim is not something scum would ever do so.

  9. Andrej//N.1 Town read Had them Null as of EOD1 (Okay maybe light scum but mostly OMGUS from them voting me for no reason) N.1 seems realllly fucking pure though. Its too bad that this dies from poison.

  10. SirDerpsALot Derpy This guys is derpy not much more to say

  11. Appelsini - Killed N1 - Town Healer

  12. Hippolytus Town lean: This one was more of a gut read from D1. He feels different from his scum self. Im not sertain on how to desrive it. As of EoD yesterday this would be a heavy town lean, but him not showing up for D2 yet (that I have seen) worries me slightly.

  13. CRichard564 Null Honestly havent interacted with them much, don’t really remember that much from them. Ill attempt to look into them in the near future.

  14. PoisonedSquidHeavy scum read Incomming ISO in the near future with the others

  15. Italy Locktown: Italy is just really easy to read IMO. His tone between scum and town have a distinct difference and I don’t think im willing to change this read.

  16. Amelia - Lynched D1 - Mafia Goon

  17. Emilia Heavy Mafia lean: Lightly town read them at EoD1, but their recent action made me reconsider. Them trying to hard to save Eevee is a horrificly bad look for them. This is almost always a scum bud trying to buy time and get an extra myslynch//more KP. As well as this, they have not been super active which seems to be a scum tell for them. (Havent looked into this too hard but def noticed it in the GI game I hosted)


I keep on saying we need to discuss poison but I don’t actually offer any suggestions :thinking:

My non towncore is Emilia/Italy (he kinda just fell in towniness as everyone else grew)/Squid/sulit (might be forgetting a few others and I couldn’t really be too bothered to check)

Maybe SDA but like I’m pretty sure they are town

ISO’s comming at a later date (at some point in the future have to decide an order. I also really dislike ISOs because im fucking lazy. need to find motivation.)

wallpost = lockmason

Here you go, Marshal

I’m glad I’m getting ISOed it means I’m special

I think ill go

Ofc I’m trying harder when I’m only wagon, wtf is this reasoning.
You expected me to give up and accept a misslynch?

Or even if you think I’m scum, you expect me to give up and accept a lynch?

That’s not gonna happen, lol.

i saw that

thought it was just a weird scummy thing to do, not a slip, unless theres mech shit to back this up