[VFM] Poisonous Mafia - (3/17) - Completed

I literally wanted to concede before game started did you read the scumchat

my hobbies also include compulsive nail-biting, ridiculously random sleep patterns, changing typing styles every hour and wasting my paycheck on artwork


why are all our hobbies the same

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rping danganronpa is illegal


this is the ideal village

you may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like

then i am illegal

i suppose i am now an o m n i m i l l e r

ā€¦ what have i done to this thread

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off-topic but did you ever take the D&D alignment test?


letā€™s force the entire poe to take it
if the result is not ā€œgoodā€ we lynch them

you cant consent to torture and therefore you cant consent to rping danganronpa

i canā€™t get rid of that and itā€™s pissing me off
not as bad as other addictions but still

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hereā€™s the alignment test and hereā€™s the longer version that also gives you, like, a class and stats and things

mostly I just want to know if my prediction is right

Iā€™ve heard that painting your nails works for some people (and separately that you can use clear nail polish if you donā€™t want it to look like youā€™re wearing nail polish)

it didnā€™t work for me in particular but it might work for you

by that test you are either normal average or superhumanly bad/good

I really just wanna hammer eevee now but I know we shouldnā€™t

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oh no

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Iā€™ve stopped trying

I can stop by doing things but when I stop doing those things I just doot again

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man I really really wanna hammer eevee

/vote eevee

I have to do this