[VFM] Poisonous Mafia - (3/17) - Completed

I’m going to count the votes on eevee. If I’ve done it correctly we should be L-2 as of now.

should I hamma

Sorry I didn’t see you up eevee earlier.

no not yet

I feel like there is someone who should we hearing from but idk who

hippo I think

Ah yes there we go


Get over here

@Arete i took the longer one


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not good, we lynch.

I’d like to hear from Hippolytus to be honest. He’s probably sleeping right now?

i was one point short of getting lawful good which i thought i would get
i suppose i do my own thing too often

Yeah probably

I think the test is broken

you’re obviously NG

if anything i think vulgard is on that intersection between NG,LG,LN,and True Neut

im chaotic good who thinks they are chaotic evil

He’s definitely lawful

I wonder what I would be

my results @Arete

i would do this if i werent multitabling 4 games and trying to get organized as well