[VFM] Poisonous Mafia - (3/17) - Completed

The thing is… I don’t quite remember you doing anything notable other than building upon the Derps read and later push. Maybe you think it’s an insult, but either way it’s the truth from my point of view.

Could you give us some thoughts regarding other possible wolves? N/Andrej’s slot flipped V, which removes them from the PoE, but also means the majority of us were wrong about them being a wolf. We might need to re-evaluate soon if our current direction is also incorrect.

I just wanted to hammer before sulit

I mean he technically didn’t tunnel me yesterday

I still don’t get why hippo pushed on me in the first place

Are their really 12 people left? Where is everyone?


Did town poisoner claim?

Don’t encourage them to claim, nerd

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I think Alice claimed TP but have since resciended


alice claimed it yesterday but that’s not true (i think?)


Capitalize your fucking I

derps who’s you’re top scumread


How about your highest Scumread that isn’t poisoned and is guaranteed to die?

Between hippo/Sulit/Emellia

Leaning Hippo ATM


literally the only reason you are saying me is because i pushed you d1 for legitimate reasons.