[VFM] Poisonous Mafia - (3/17) - Completed

Wait i have 3 votes wtf

Me and emilia are both town you numbskulls.

Why is Crichard voting me?

I uhh

So why does he reference it?

[shrug emoji]

I dont have reads And I cant iso Cuz itā€™s Late

Screw it, Iā€™m just gonna throw my vote

Italy should be playing more actively if they are town since their performance has decreased and for this entire game, they have been scumreading me yet they applied little pressure.

/vote Italy

Iā€™m going to recheck ToL FM

Iā€™m fine with either lynch, honestly.
Italy has done way less, and some people would say that it means they should go first, but Iā€™m not so sure.
I maintain that we should be wagoning Hippo first because Hippo is more likely to give usā€¦ something. Italyā€™s self-preservation instincts are not very strong when they are villaging, which means they might just fold and allow us to mislynch them if they are V.
I know thatā€™s mostly an assumption, but still. I want to pressure Hippo more before we switch to Italy, if we do. Unless you guys want to swap after.


/accuse Hippo

Iā€™m still reading Italyā€™s other games and itā€™s taking longer than I thought it would.

By the way, Iā€™ve concluded there is no way to tell whether this ā€œtowntellā€ is actually a ā€œtowntellā€ with Italyā€™s known games so Iā€™m removing it as part of his towncred.

He didnā€™t do it in his previous town games.


FuckingVoted FuckingAccusers FuckingVotes
Emilia PoisonedSquid 1/7
Hippolytus Vulgard, CRichard564, SirDerpsALot, Napoleon 4/7
Italy Arete, Sulit, Marshal 3/7

Italy is someone I would rather poison than lynch if they keep doing very little to help us. Iā€™d lynch in the more active posters, as weird as it is to say. It should provide us with more associations if they flip W, and that might make it easier to find the last wolf.
Besides, wagoning a more active poster means they are more likely to convince us if they are a villager. Itā€™s rather tough not to mislynch a villager who either does not defend themselves, or is below average at doing so.

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See the issue I have with Italy is that I feel like they are playing more passively compared to their previous games.

If they had scumread me they should have at least in some form or shape explain why. He did so in Virtuous, he actually tried to solve the game more and explained the reasoning behind his pushes (and he was right!), and in Evolution, he seemed to scumhunt and use his dayvig as part of it.

Right now, all I have from Italy is that ā€œI might be right about Nappy being scumā€ and ā€œidc about d1ā€ which is rather underwhelming.

Activity also seems lower, but that doesnā€™t seem like a good way to read Italy. Or maybe it is :man_shrugging:

Yes I suppose I agree with that in some regard -

Could you explain your townread on Emilia a bit more besdies the WiM?

Itā€™s mostly the WiM, and also, I believe I have a soulread on her.
I can typically find her as V early, and if Iā€™m not finding her as V, sheā€™s a wolf. I correctly found her as wolf in Grand Idea, although that game was a mess.
You obviously donā€™t have to sheep my read, Iā€™m just fairly confident she is a villager. Of course, if the game begins to swing in the wolvesā€™ favor, I shall re-evaluate.

What about my and ameliaā€™s conversation gives off SvS vibes @anyoneonmywagon.

At this point you are pretty much confirmed town so IK your read is genuine.

Anyways what changed your mind about Hippo? Is it the change in performance and activity? VCA?

Nothing really. It doesnā€™t give me SvT vibes either when I really thought about it, though that would be up to debate as others seem to disagree on that.

So I just kinda filtered that out.