[VFM] Poisonous Mafia - (3/17) - Completed

Oh lmao that was so obvious

Whyā€™d nap feel the need to claim so much to arete when we never hanging sulit yesterday anyways.

I mean tbf if I was a pr Iā€™d accidentally soft it like instantly so Iā€™m not one to judge.

Also nappy soften poisoner hard at one point D2 my mans said what if I said Alice and Eevee both arenā€™t poisoner

Well if you lynch me, thatā€™s another wasted lynch after I flip town.

Nah not buying it.

I think ur faking it entirely and thatā€™s what you did d1 too.

Still should no lynch tbh tho

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Yeah makes most sense

@Geyde can no lynch be hammered? Iā€™m curious

/vote no lynch

Once alice has given us their insight and sulit too if they have anything else to say letā€™s hammer this bish.


Yeah I have no Patience so I agree

/Vote no-lynch

Anyone who is in favor of lynching me always seems to forget that I was voted up D1 by Amelia who flipped Mafia.

We arenā€™t lynching anyone today

That literally means nothing, eevee voted amelia and both are mafia.

I refuse to believe you think this is a strong enough case to refute any claims you are mafia.

If scum have big brained us and Alice is fake poisoned no lynch becomes awful doesnā€™t it?

hmmm damn mabye

what if we justā€¦ lynched alice

effectively the same as a no-lynch if sheā€™s really poisioned
and if sheā€™s not then scum canā€™t have bigbrained us

/vote alice

boom bye scum :^)