[VFM] Poisonous Mafia - (3/17) - Completed

I replied to the question I wanted you to answer

see thatā€™s unfortunate because that means you might actually be a villager here :confused:

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Eh iā€™m gonna go with rage being NAI here. If someoneā€™s gonn get mad at the game they are gonn get mad regardless of alignent. As someone who frequently raged in ToL let me tell u it wasnā€™t usually connected to alignment

That may be the case with you. If you think everyone is going to react the same way in those situations, prepare to be disappointed.

I might be inclined to agree with as well but like Crich trying to shift conversation to those types of things makes me not think itā€™s town AI

But that was me making read on nap based on pre-game

Also that wasnā€™t shade pretty open read

Oh yea that I scumread her as town too so I put more doubt to my read here

Emila from her soft defending Amelia the mafia goon.

That was when I was introduced myself on the discord server. I bet you were surprised I outed my indiscretion.

Iā€™m going to sleep I think


donā€™t forget to place a vote

we need 5 votes to have a lynch, which means almost the entire town needs to vote together or the wolves need to bus

I hope this is right

Iā€™m starting to lose confidence but the alternative is ā€˜I decide who dies myself, and the rest of you only have one chance to flip Mafia tomorrowā€™ and thatā€™s worse, like, at some point we need to just agree


if this is wrong Iā€™m sorry

i know for a fact im waking up before EoD and so im going to wait until then.

Not really. It may be the CR is a villa who just doesnā€™t care about the game or that heā€™s a wolf whoā€™s given up here.

Absolutely. The way the d1 wagons moved makes it extremely unlikely that Derps is scum.

Arete will poison in Emilia/Hippo. Lynch the other one. This should be a solve.

/vote CRichard564

Iā€™ll probably wonā€™t be able to log in tomorrow, so I need to keep a vote ASAP.

Crich is at L-2.

2 votes from finding out my alignment then.

For the record that conversation about power roles was a actually me trying to signal to emilia that I thought sulit was a powerrole. I brought powerroles up straight after Emilia got annoyed cuz I wasnt explaining my sulit read, so itā€™s not as dumb as a conversation as it looks.

Imagine Iā€™m voting crichard rn

Well you already have. Canā€™t double vote even if you wanted to.