[VFM] Poisonous Mafia - (3/17) - Completed

I like how we all metaread marshal and marshal even used self meta
even though marshal clearly said he was going to change up his playstyle

The ultimate death for town was both cop and healer dying

Healer being alive makes the setup reasonably townsided (difference between 1kp and 2kp is insane). This setup feels really swingy as a result

meta bad

Overall I think there was fairly high standard play across the board this game, although there was a massive massive massive over reliance on just interactions to clear people.


Iā€™m just saying you might and then Iā€™ll be bamboozled

Also 200 posts is slanking for me? :eyes:

Tbh we donā€™t play many games with only a few power roles on this site so I donā€™t blame the PRā€™s for not playing optimally, cuz most people are pretty inexperienced being the sole healer/cop in the entire town.



I mean, did anything else happaned on day 2?

Not really, just argueing about me, when I was already redchecked.
Argueing which mostly I was provoking and shaping tbh.

I told everyone that Derps was scum, but nobody listened to a damn word I said!

I am disappointed


P much. I didnā€™t expect that weā€™d have so much bussing going on D1.

Funny thing was pre-game Derps literally said ā€œI really hope I roll mafia, I want to try some wacky things as scumā€, and then wacky things around Derpsā€™ wagon happens D1.

I kinda wish weā€™d lynched alice just cuz a final 5 of me marshall derps emilia and crichard would have been fucking hilarious.

Also - one more thing.
Stop forcing PRs to act in some way.

Cop on me was planned, so I could act in appropriate way since day 1 pretty much.
Poisons were agreed during day too, whichā€¦ let wolfs influence the pick.

PRs should chose what to do alone, they are 100% town after all.
Chosing actions during the day soundsā€¦ suboptimal, cause lets wolfs influence it.


imagine not reevaluating after killing several town
this post was made by the logical town gang


Tbh, checking on nulls should be common sense, but people here basically just random check on this site.


I literally just realized ur wazza lmao


The ā€˜poison announce my targetā€™ on d2 onwards had no point beyond allowing scum to plan better

Then again, nobody listens to me when Iā€™m right, so why would they start now?

Thatā€™s geyde