[VFM] Poisonous Mafia - (3/17) - Completed

you’re scumreading me over a joke so i don’t see what you’re expecting here

Actually right now I’m mostly scumreading you because of your reaction to me putting pressure on you

well do u read Arete differently cause they are reading you that way

See, for example, what i’ve been doing is a reactiontest all along.

i am not marshal. This is italy. I drove down to austin, beat marshal up, tied him up in a closet, and am impersonating him to gain reactions

marshal has long since escaped the ropes but cannot come out of the closet i put him in because coming out of the closet is gay


take it from me.

almost never lmfao


ok there was an E in the 6th spot and kat always calls me gay so it was a tinfoil

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when it’s skribbl.io all embarassment stops

You should see some of the things arete types
and chloe’s amazing clue

italy is fueled by a redbull right now

Logically, this is NAI, but my gut tells me this is a townie thing for Italy to say. I’m imagining that I’m Italy and I totally see him saying something like this as a town. (Especially after EvoMafia - sorry for bring that up)

NAI for Italia.

I’m town so of course there is a bit of bias in here. But I don’t think this comes from a scum.

I like this because the thought progression makes sense.

I’m getting a slight V on Italy tbh. I can’t read any of the other posts and tbh I don’t think the post that Arete brought up is truly AI.

I also would like to bring up my general thoughts on this game so far. I will agree that I had a scummy entrance. I did get some fire for it, but for the most part, I never received a lasting wagon on me. I feel like that my scummy entrance could be a way for scum to capitalize or attempt to put a wagon on me. Eh. Because of this, my gut feeling is that most of the posters I see right now is probably village concentrated.


i click everytime, these damn kids

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it’s a link

posted by marshal


you do know the real link appears in the bottom left if you hover it

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at least its not a link to get ya banned

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is it bad that i’ve actually started to enjoy drinking redbull
it started off as way too strong and quickly turned into “this tastes really good”

for example:

This is a rickroll

This is a picture of my cat

Also I have a slight V on Marshal.

cat pic didnt work :frowning: