[VFM] Poisonous Mafia - (3/17) - Completed

Nappy wolfread Amelia based on her 0 posts because he took pre-game posts and took them as posts she made within the game.

Makes me think he didn’t bother to check, and therefore did not care about the ISO (and the read). I don’t think Napoleon plays this carelessly as a villager. He can have some really good insights.


I think you said that about Icibalus in Evolution Mafia :upside_down_face:
Wagon him with me? I’m already voting there.

I dont think he did Based on pre-game posts I think he meant to vote someone Who didnt post anything Yet


But I have Yet to read most of thread

Did you read Napoleon’s Amelia ISO? He mentioned fluffposting and all.
Amelia has 0 posts.
The implication is clear.

No I havent read thread I just scrolled up a bit

Dats villagery then

When did you start thinking Italy was a villager? Which post made you think that?

We should agree on town poison target So healer can know which poison to heal

We will give 2 targets this is So they dont have to Use it on themselves

It’s rather early to talk about poison targets.
We don’t even know who they are yet.

Wait a couple of hours and then poison a 0 poster or a null.

No exact message. One reason why I think they’re a villager is that they’re too relaxed, although that can be interpreted in many ways.

Italy came across as relaxed to you… I see. Can you point me to exact posts which made you think that?
I promise I’m going somewhere with this.

I can’t find any exact post that would make a good example, but as can be seen, he was making lots of jokes. It’s not like he didn’t make any points though, for example when he suspected me because I was just fluffposting at the beginning.

My top scumreads rn Are Arete marshal And datbird

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Seems self concious

Why would you ask that instead of checking op ?¿?

That’s… the exact opposite of what I have.
Sell me on it.

I was joking at first but now that I read through they seem real