[VFM] Poisonous Mafia - (3/17) - Completed

/vote dat

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@CRichard564 vote dat too

ā€œArete, Marshal and Datbird. My reads on them are null leaning Town/Village. Marshalā€™s reads are rather bold.ā€

ā€œMy reads on sulit, eevee, alice and Andrej. They havenā€™t posted yet though whether that is Mafia/Wolf or theyā€™re sleeping. Iā€™m not sure yet.ā€

Those are my reads so far. Make what you will from them. Anyway about Bird has he done anything suspicious?

The more I read the two posts DatBird wrote, which I quoted earlier, the more I think they were fabricated and that a villager doesnā€™t enter the thread like this. I completely missed those upon my first skim, but Emilia brought that to my attention.


/vote DatBird

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Why do you town lean dat And arete?

Also Second part are your null reads correct?

My 1st reads are based on gut and 1st impressions. That might change as more information comes to light. The non-posters as I said before, if theyā€™re sleeping itā€™s hard to tell if village or wolf.

Also, if Dat is wolf, his first two posts about the Neapolitan claim spew Marshal V really hard. I donā€™t think DatBird ever enters the thread as wolf in such an awkward way by ā€œcheckingā€ a partnerā€™s joke claim (???). It could be orchestrated, but it doesnā€™t feel orchestrated, IMO.




These are literally the ppl Iā€™ve disliked most so far lmao (684)

Nice tmi save u scum.


When did Hippo become binary? Good. Bad. Good. Bad.

Hey same

Apart from arete

Thatā€™s what I found bad about dat too


Okay for once Iā€™ve read all thread and imma /vote Marshall, p sure hes scum.

Also PLEASE protect me with healer/lookout or something as Iā€™m hard claiming Cop.