[VFM] Poisonous Mafia - (3/17) - Completed

Oh noes! Whatever shall I do? :roll_eyes:

Their were 3 deaths already

i have you as scumlean :eyes:

Out all your scummates

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Village (no specific order):

Alice - the lack of Alice paranoia seems weird, but anyway I think her posts have been V and I think my Alice read is at least decent
Arete - toneread says V and ISO confirms it to me
Derps (yes)
Hippo - completely unlike their last wolfgame and I think their trolly mindset is V indicative
Italy (I like their recent posts a lot, honestly.)
Emilia - we think alike a lot and in general I think this is V

Null Zone/Wolves:

Appel - love the tone, not enough to call this V but enough to lynch it after everyone else below if the game’s still going

eevee - 0 poster
Squid - 0 poster
Amelia - 0 poster

sulit - useless slot honestly
Napoleon – no, I don’t think their recent posts are clearing, tbh
Richard - progression is super wack and off, don’t think this is a villager

I could see squid making that opening as either alignment tbh

Idrc lol

Last time he was wolf I found him in the first 15 minutes of the game

why do i not exist :frowning:

V until re-eval which probably won’t be today

Anyway, I’m not a big fan of Napoleon from the posts I did see

I’m trying to remember which posts ticked me off, but like I said before, there’s a crapton to go through

nobody knows what to do with you because you’re usually a marshalread

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Leaning town on alice but I’m not gonna make a concrete read on her till Eod 1/SoD2

Past it but not very far past it and not consistently past it

See SFoL 56 for a recentish scum Emilia game, or FoL 26 for a game where she was converted N1 and basically stopped existing

What’s the general idea on why you dislike them?

Scum lean on arete, they feel off

Though I don’t think I can read arete. I’m not sure Iv like ever read them right

Vote Count

Accused Accuser Count
Italy Arete, Hippolytus 2/9
DatBird CRichard, Vulgard 2/9
Sulit Emilia 1/9
CRichard Napoleon 1/9
Marshal Sulit 1/9

i did it first be original

Don’t tell me what to do

Also please capitalize your Is