[VFM] Poisonous Mafia - (3/17) - Completed

I don’t see why that makes a difference

tbh squid’s answer to the reactiontest gives me the specific vibes of arete saying, in sfol55, that something obv fake happened yadda yadda imma post it

if you guys think this is a wolf’s reaction then i’m sorry but you’re wrong
Squid is a villager

never mind Italy wrote a wallpost he is locktown

1 Like

remember that time where amelia killed town because she thought the host was a neutral

No no, that was Ami

Ok I’m finally caught up. Switching to my desktop as I have to read a previous game cause I was told exactly what to do, as something weird going on with someone this game.

i have bad memory

speaking of nostalgia trips

this is the vibe i get from squid

also reread this game-ish

Vote Count

Accused Accuser Count
CRichard Napoleon, Alice 2/9
Marshal Sulit 1/9
DatBird CRich, Vulgard, Emilia 3/9
SirDerpsALot Marshal 1/9
Sulit Arete 1/9
PoisonedSquid Hippolytus, SirDerpsALot 2/9

It was actually trustworthyliberal


Why isn’t town!Arete wolf!Dat a possibility

i’d rather stick on derps but actually no i don’t

/vote poisionedsquid

Cant til I reread, as elaborating is what cause it to fail last time

Dat dosent seem like he’s in scum Meta

I see. Okay

Is D1 48 hours?

This has to be a reactiontest of some sort because there’s no way I’d do something so stupid if I had people inform about what was going while I was gone

Also, Geyde was typing so uh… I guess the three deaths thing is a bunch of bullcrap

i could see it now that i’ve reread dat’s openers on the other game and it wasn’t as similar as i thought, but at that point i thought dat’s post could indicate partner in thread(when thread was me, u, and dat) and also it felt like if he was wolf he was being coached

it felt like if he was wolf he was being coached

but i rescind this part thx to emilia