[VFM] Poisonous Mafia - (3/17) - Completed

Which would explain the misconceptions - I think if anything is gonna be AI, it’s moreso the read itself, I’m not sure if I see anything wrong with her reasoning behind it.

I was reading up on the thread :eyes:

So why did you think Napoleon was suspicious?

nah he pushes his reads.

do u not remember last game where he tunneled me into the fucking ground and beat me with a stick

the reasons hippo are villagery IMO are the reasons derps are wolfy

like he lacks the confidence town derps would usualyl have

When was SDA’s last scum game?

jojo iirc

Because I read through some posts this morning before I gave up

/vote Derps

back on the derps train choo choo mothertruckers

/vote derps

choo choo hoor

I mean I was in fact at L-3 that game stop making fun of me

How much time do we have left?

9 hours

First thing

Townslip denied

well it’d be easy to check if they made a new thread so we could just scroll to the top but
scrolls all the way to post 495 in the middle of the thread
34 hours

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It’s 24 hours for D1?

Also can I just say that I really hope that PoisonedSquid is a Poisoner of some sort?

Yeah but Marshal was saying that W!Arete W!Dat was a possibility so clearly it’s not ‘because Dat’s a villager’