[VFM] Poisonous Mafia - (3/17) - Completed

Seem very eager to push that too

Cause he spiked my interest in the spawnlist, cause other than my role, and poisoners I wasnt sure what actually would spawn

Guys I still find CRichard/sulit interaction weird. Can they really be W/W, considering how they are both in my scumreads and many others? Could it be a distancing tactic? I know that CRichard has shown that he is willing to distance in ToL.

Why is Amelia being included in the null/zero posters when they have posted


They said theyā€™d post but they havenā€™t been back in like 5 hours

you are one of if not my highest wolfread but at the request of alice im giving you to the end of the day

calling me ā€œeagerā€ to push you when im specifically holding back is moronic

But why?

I think him being timid makes sense given what happened in Evo Mafia

itā€™s not like he has trouble faking confidence

Or you could have just checked it before if youre werent sure

all of your posts have been shitty 1-liners and you show no interest or even attempt at game solving

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He purposely did that though

Tbh that makes no Sense And I am not sure if it makes you town or scum now

Thatā€™s because Iā€™m honestly not right now. Lynch me as you please.

I know itā€™s my scum meta but I am just not feeling it right now.

I donā€™t get what this post is dating

Why do that when I didnt care that much and he could give me the info if he was already outed. Now that he fakeclaimed it gave me an idea to check op to see what was actually there. I still dont get how you can scumread for not checking op


not dating

He purposely spammed and did that in Evo. I donā€™t get why heā€™s holding back right now, unless heā€™s just not doing reaction tests?

and this is why i think you are an ideal poision target

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can you do me a favor then, since supposedly im misrepping vulgard, whats his reasoning for voting me, if its not the joke post or the lack of reads in his opinion