[VFM] Poisonous Mafia - (3/17) - Completed

yeah i’ll join the thing at some point tonight

but after turbo and after maybe jackbox

Ech minecraft


what is your issue

also @eevee-sama what if u just donated them to a foodbank

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I have a lot of issues
But disliking minecraft isn’t one of them :eyes:

you ever just fail horribly playing touhou

And you can tell I have a lot of issues by me failing at toast

I’m actually proud.

Local CoViD countermessures HQ got a lot of food due to all gastronomy companies in Poland deciding to deliver free food in turns for all garnissoned doctors, nurses, army, technicians, scientists ect.

I’m just not sure how I feel about dinner made from truck full of bread, 30 boxes of pizza and 3 large cakes.

Nor what to do with leftovers tbh.

not sure how coronoavirus effects this tho

That’ll be…about 3.50

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That was funny story tho.

The kids hospital got a truck of sweets from one bakery today for medical workers, were told that’s to help theirs hard work.
They didn’t want all of that, so they sent ambulance with boxes of baked stuff to hospital for adults.

When they arrived there, they learnt that another 2 companies delivered stuff there and they have too much too. So instead they just left theirs and took ones from other companies to diversify it a bit.

They returned… started unloading and thinking what to do with all this food and… then a car from HQ arrived with even more food.
They got too much of it too, so they decided to share with hospitals in region.

Result: Each hospital in my region has too much food right now.

Also they lack drinkable water, cause lol, noone thought to send them any bottles.

I’m laughing.
Also amazed how much industry can mobilize and coordinate.

I’m not sure if I’m reading this right - are you required to make 10 posts a day to the game, or do you just need to have 10 forum posts and then post at least each day to the game?

You must make at least 10 posts within each day phase in this game per each 48 hour day.

@Luxy Jake will not play this game.


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Pretty hyped for this setup, ngl.
Can’t wait to be a willager.


gib me scum

You don’t need to give me scum if you want me to mislynch people. As funny as it is to say, mislynching people, especially in the early game, is completely NAI for me.