[VFM] Poisonous Mafia - (3/17) - Completed

That’s it? Not because of any interactions or lack thereof? Not because of any form of reads we may or may not have?

ack one of the worst things i would do with my old playstle was call everyone who scumread me a wolf


someone’s read on you does not make them significantly more likely to be a wolf or villager unless their reasoning shows otherwise


I’m trying to resist the urge to bump up Nappy and Marshal to townier just because CRich’s arguments are so terrible

just because there exists a bad argument that someone is scum doesn’t make them a villager

you can maybe elaborate why squid and dat aren’t townie

but if you think the wolf PoE is “people who don’t like me” you are playing wrong

Because you’re mafia.

I thought katze was in this game but I just realized they aren’t that makes me sad

How are my arguments terrible? You only say so because you’re mafia Arete.

we are still arguing with Crichard because?

the same reason people argue with emilia



Why? Amelia isn’t the only wolf if they are a wolf. I said I did believe that there was potential scum shading me

your entire argument is ‘they are pushing me therefore they have to be scum’

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because there is difinitive proof that just because someone is town and being voted does not mean their voters are always or even likely wolves

You don’t listen to a word I say anyway. Why do you talk to me?

You don’t listen to a word I say anyway. Why do you talk to me?

I am trying to talk to you so I can (a) sort you and (b) figure out if literally anything you’re saying about Nappy and Marshal has merit

any attempt to reason or show you flaws in your argument is met by "you are mafia im not talking to you yadayadayada

i’ve been doing my best to be patient with you and it’s getting difficult


Perhaps I should leave this game and sub someone in. None of you can be reasoned with. It’s obvious from I’ve seen so far.

Do not threaten to replace out for gameplay reasons.

Doing this again will result in a forum games blacklist.


Yeah well it isn’t as though you lot can be reasoned with anyway.

Fine I’ll accept the possibility my wagon is town driven. Happy?