[VFM] Poisonous Mafia - (3/17) - Completed

@ sulit not ignoring your read here, just pushing my own.

It is, but like legit unless they come out as poisoner WHICH IS BAD DO NOT DO THIS. The thing is everyoneā€™s poe is different and unless we all worked on a town poison list. We could have people who have people we disagree on being poisoned and that could mean for few that townreads got poisoned by town.

I donā€™t think we have a reason not to use town poisoner, but I guess the problem lies in whether or not town knows who was poisoned by which faction, am I correct?

I think it makes sense~

Kinda but itā€™s also the fact we gotta make sure our poison poe is fine and agreed upon

If you added the ~ for the sake of getting a townread from me, itā€™s not working.

Iā€™m not trying to get townread, but fine.

Sorry, I made a mistake.
Itā€™s not working, Sulit~

Napoleon is the person youā€™re misclearing~
At least I think so~

Its the same thing

Whatā€™s goin on?

No, go read his scum games

I see. It would be less confusing to reduce actions taken by town poisoner until everyone is clear about who they want to be poisoned, AKA town poisoner should start doing things later in the game. But then again, I donā€™t know how FMs generally work so there might be a lot of disagreement even with less people alive.

I will die on this hill, literally and figuratively

Yeah so what Iā€™m proposing is we can start doing a mini vote on who should be in poison poe. And if they get like 6 to 8ish votes they are free game to be poed

You sure volumeclearing him is a good idea?
All he has to do to be townread as wolf then isā€¦ post?

No, but nothing heā€™s posted has screamed wolf to me either

Would people be ok with using this system?

The only worry I have with it is like anyone could vote thus we have wolf influence in it. So now that I think about it, Iā€™m not sure

I thought about that too, but it would create some minor problems if town poisoner has a different poe. There are some benefits to it though, more chances to read people and their reactions.

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