[VFM] Poisonous Mafia - (3/17) - Completed

Squid is not this aggressive as a villager
Her opening immediately aims at Napoleon and now she’s being aggressive
I’m ok with this lynch


I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing half the goddamn time!

Yet you said you were confident in reading me.

Yeah this slot can go on the stand

/accuse Squid

Their is no stand lol

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No one else vote untill we get a VC

See, this is why I don’t want to replace out, because I’m going to throw them into an uncomfortable situation and ruin their day. Anyway @Vulgard Can you explain more about why I’m scum instead of going “HUR DE DUR SHE SCUM HNGGGHHH”

Why? We arent close to hammer. No shut down of voting

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I thought we weren’t supposed to talk about replacing out

We have at least 4-5 votes at this point at least don’t we

Yeah on Amelia. Like 2 to 3 on squid

I want people to take a good goddamn look at my flip if and or when it happens because it’s going to make you look like a bunch of fools

I don’t even remember that crap! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-

Majority is 8

Like 3 people just voted squid, I’m pretty sure at least one other person not including me was on squid?

My previous post explains it.
You’re overreacting.

Derps its u Hippo vul and nap on squid and like 4 to 5 votes on amelia. We are like L3 on both

I don’t know if I’m sick or not. I don’t know if I’m feeling warm because of stress or illness. I’m fucking sick of not knowing what the fuck is going on with me

God, maybe if you guys can give me some breathing room, maybe I can actually try to think shit over!

Oh, I thought their were more votes on squid. Just didn’t want to accidentally hammer

Take a small break come back to us with ur best

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We are not quicklynching dw

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I don’t really want to vote Amelia today. Not the worst lynch but not the best one either.