[VFM] Poisonous Mafia - (3/17) - Completed

Emilia, you are useless.
Stop trying to tilt me and do something. Thanks.

People seem to get mad when town self pres so

says the one who purposefully went out just to tilt me

Oof dies

Iā€™ll probably go to sleep myself btw. So Iā€™ll be off for now. Good night everyone

Iā€™m not calling out anyone specifically, I get why that kinda stuff happened. But I donā€™t think it should be a reason to clear someone. I hope you understand.

Sorry if I came across as insensitive beforehand. Iā€™m just thinking from the perspective of the game. Iā€™ve seen wolves AtE spectacularly and get cleared for it.

I mean you are easily tiltable.

I saw people crying, volunteers trying to block the way to not drag out his friend, 2 people fainting today from overwork.

I canā€™t really be bothered anymore.

And this justifies you tilting me becauseā€¦?

Honestly donā€™t answer im kinna done with this shit rn

deep breath


Vote Count

Accused Accuser Count
CRichard Amelia 1/9
PoisonedSquid Vulgard 1/9
Napoleon PoisonedSquid 1/9
Arete CRichard564 1/9
Amelia DatBird, Arete 2/9
Italy sulit 1/9
Derps Hippo, Alice, Marshal 3/9
eevee Derps 1/9
Marshal Emilia 1/9

For fuckā€™s sake why are we like this.


When I wrote that post about 9 wagons, I was joking, not encouraging it.

Weā€™re 8 hours from EoD and have majority-only lynch

We need to consolidate if we donā€™t want a no-lynch

Day ends at 9:15 PM PST

Soā€¦8 hours left

/Vote Amelia

Tilting is actually useful if succesful.
I still believe what you said then could be AI.

However Emilia tries 3rd time and failsā€¦ ehhhā€¦ at this point they are only spamming.
Plus I donā€™t think Emilia really planed to do it to read me, rather just to annoy me.

Iā€™m not going to be awake at EoD. Would be nice to have insurance that you guys are going to maj someone.

I can fix it!

It looks like itā€™s me or Amelia so I would pick now just in case

/vote Vulgard

10 wagons now.