[VFM] Poisonous Mafia - (3/17) - Completed


Come on marshal

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no, neither is Katze, or Geyde

I’m tired as fuck I’m probabaly gonna fall asleep at work lmao

im sorry y’ouwre highness

Can we be masons now

anything new on the Arete read?

Yea, I know about it.
But I forgot about Luxy, cause only Sulit and Geyde were posting VCs.

Arete hasn’t posted much they’ve just been reading from what I saw


vulgard and i are masons

and he seems to trust u

but im not so sure

I wanna be masons :frowning:

then you should have been obvtown buddy sorry

Well I have to go to work

I am obv town you’re all just dumb smh

Emilia #3



nah I mix him up with Italy more times than not. Their like wording is too similiar

kinda don’t think Derps makes a post like this as scum

lol always when he leaves

how dafuq do you mix those 2 up they are like way different what
