[VFM] Poisonous Mafia - (3/17) - Completed

one day there will be a game here where derps doesn’t get mislynched

Squid’s wagon is a bit iffy if you ask me. He/She has already admitted they are ill and anything “scummy” he/she might say and do has to take into account that he/she is sick.

The thing is Amelia is in the same boat though

Vote Count

Accused Accuser Count
CRichard Amelia 1/9
PoisonedSquid Vulgard, Derps 2/9
Amelia Arete, Marshal2/9
Italy sulit 1/9
Derps Hippo, Alice, eevee, PoisonedSquid, DatBird 5/9

eh i think this is a good excuse tho and y’all r overplaying it

yes someone can feel sick but saying “oh, anything X does that is scummy because of their sickness” is overblowing it.

i beleive she can still have AI content

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I don’t feel comfortable with the Derps wagon tbh but I also can’t be bothered to do anything about it right now.

So I’m going to continue playing Minecraft.

join us on amelia

Ppl voting derps for something he does as town

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I’d go Amelia as well as their posts have been just nothing but fencesitting, though I’m a bit hesitant as they also have the same excuse as Squid that they aren’t in the best state of mind.

where’s amelia’s votes :eyes:


Emilia, what are main arguments behind Derps wagon?

If you say we vote them due to something he does as town… what is it?


He also does this kind of crap as scum -_-

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They took a vacation to accuser land.

/vote Amelia


How much have you read this game?

Him not explaining his reads/his random posting And lack if general direction

This wall. It basically reaches no conclusions despite basically touching on everyone here.

Why vote someone for NAI reasons



Basically why I’m not liking Amelia. Though her excuse makes sense and the way that the thread has ebbing away from her doesn’t seem like it was wolf-driven.