[VFM] Poisonous Mafia - (3/17) - Completed


Yay I get to post again

Arete did some interesting things but wonā€™t make judgements yet until later

I donā€™t like eevee so far because they feel like they are just throwing analysis around but doesnā€™t have a clear direction.

Also my brain is telling me to vote Squid but my gut is telling me to vote Amelia.

And I think we should give SDA a day 2 (maybe consider him a poison target? I wouldnā€™t poison them tho)

/accuse Amelia

Also, Napo, was you the one who told me to read SDA at middle of day?

Why did you chose SDA?

Because I nullread with a slight V them for the most part at that time and wanted a second opinion

I donā€™t remember actually but I do remember wanting a second opinion on them

Fair enough.

Got off work early

Thatā€™s what you refer to or was there more?

I do not like Eevee here tbh

Theyā€™re too helpful

What are you planning

Why is that a bad thing

Eevee is Probabaly scum Iā€™ll elaborate on the read later theirs science behind it

Because itā€™s eevee.

Because itā€™s eevee


Iā€™m gonna head out for a bit my phones almost outta battery

For the most part. I assumed theyā€™ve changed a lot then With their scum game ā€¦ though their more recent posting also kinda raised a ping here (I sorta pointed out some of the fluff posts and then I believe Alice went much deeper into it).

I liked their opening though thatā€™s because of virtuous and I wanted to ensure that my read had some value in it and then later didnā€™t like their latter posting so much

I donā€™t remember when I asked that question but here is my thought process on SDA

You made it sound like Iā€™m some kind of monster who only shouts on people, lmao.

I mean youā€™re not

But youā€™re not usually like this either

Itā€™s more like how you played in ToL

I think that SDA plays a different way D2 so if they continue to play this way Iā€™d be down to kill them then

Arete is that monster