[VFM] Poisonous Mafia - (3/17) - Completed

/Vote Amelia

dang it derps I had a cat GIF


rip glgl villa

Annnnd I canā€™t math

get snubbed by daddy derps

Accused Accuser Count
Amelia Arete, Marshal, Nappy, DatBird, Vulgard, eevee, Alice, Amelia, SirDerpsALot 9/9
Derps Hippo, Squid, Andrej 3/9



The Town has decided to Lynch Amelia!

Amelia has died! They wereā€¦


Mafia Goon

You have no night abilities, however, you share a private chat and a factional kill with your teammates.
You win when the town has been eliminated.

Night begins and will end in 24 hours.


Hello everyone.

Day doesnā€™t start until Luxy or Geyde say so



Iā€™m finally able to send feedback
Jesus Christ the admissions people just donā€™t stop talking


Mayor Luxy had abandoned the town on a so called ā€˜spiritual journey.ā€™ I think he just wanted time off and made up a reason to do so, but Iā€™m the one stuck hereā€¦so what can I say?

I personally think that our society would be much better with more accountability. We really need leaders to work with the people and make decisions quickly, in waves ideally. This tinkering thing just isnā€™t effectively workingā€“

Oh, whatā€™s that?
A call.

Hello, this is the town hall. Our mayor has corona, and as such isnā€™t here.
Oh, fuck.
Oh fuck
uhhā€¦do you have any more details?

So, guys.
@Appelsiini fucking died
Iā€™m not prepared for this job. Iā€™m just an INTERN.

Alright, calm down.
Deep breaths.

They were apparently the

Town Healer

Once per day, you may select a player, other than yourself, to cure of their poison. This prevents their death due to poison at the end of the day.
You win when the mafia have been eliminated.

Doctor in charge of the quarantine bay.
If we have anymore cases of corona, we probably wonā€™t be able to stop it!

ring ring
Thereā€™s more? I just got done announcing a murder!

Oh, Andrej has corona (was poisoned last night). Lovely.

Day 2 has started. 15 players are alive so majority is 8.

/vote Eevee

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two mafia down bois

So, Andrej was poisoned. Did the wolf poisoner just not act or whatever?

I am fucking exhausted but I typed this a couple hours ago

wait, was Andrej the only person poisoned? confusion