[VFM] Poisonous Mafia - (3/17) - Completed

Funny that you actually defended me D1, but when I call you out, you call me scum all of a sudden. I expected this way too much

Dude u converted me i thought?

my gut reads are usually wrong, and ill-thought reads from me could lead to the deaths of other important people. Iā€™ve learned this the hard way in the past multiple times.

I know iā€™m being unhelpful, but thereā€™s nothing I can do. sorry.

See here is the issue eevee.

When ISOing you, you make much more sense when you are a wolf. DatBird, who was townread, softing PR, and now creates a thunderdome, doesnā€™t seem to add up as a wolf.

Also Alice claimed TP and as they are towncored there is no reason for her to sacrifice herself for an eevee who isnā€™t really playing the game - compared to past games

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I wouldnā€™t call you out if your arguments made any sense today tho.

Unless you want to tell me why are you sure it was mafia who didnā€™t poison and why would mafia not poison to begin with?

I used deduction, forehead

Why, not how.

as you said you fell asleep

Why would Mafia poison in the PoE?

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I actually want to hear Squids answer

To have theirs poison not be healed?

Like if mafia poisoned someone in towncore and town poisoner poisoned someone in POE, who would get healed? Towncore person.

What happens if mafia poisons someone in PoE and town poisoned does as well? Town healer would have a problem.

Itā€™s always valid to poison in PoE as long as healer is not dead.

Forgetting and not poisoning intentionally is a major difference, we donā€™t know which scenario happened, but itā€™s highly EV- to not intentionally poison someone

for the record, i was hoping to sub into a non-poisoned slot. I would have had more time later in the game.

I find it unlikely considering that Vulgard, Marshal, Alice, and I all called for a poison on Andrej D1; itā€™s probably a town poison; and it is like 99% a town poison when Alice is Tp


If you lower PoE, then scum are more likely to be targeted for lynching or poisoning

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Yeah we all said ā€œpoison andrejā€

In what world does town poisoner no action and scum poisoner target andrej

Iā€™m off but remember the classic rule

Kill scum when scum found


If you target towncore you are just not gonna get kills through at all and town will.

Which will lower PoE AND be kills which town chosen.

However if both poisoners go into PoE it will be lowering PoE AND possibly it will be poison which wolfs chosen.

I see a difference here.

Also I was probably the scummiest of all four of them and yet I was the first one to recommend a poison so a poison on Andrej, objectively, is probably town motivated

That rule doesnā€™t exist wat the opposite is accepted in setups with town KP

The towncore canā€™t be healed if you kill the healer at night