[VFM] Poisonous Mafia - (3/17) - Completed

I have given up reading you forever

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this was mildly amusing

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I cant read you im just gonna start trying to read you and flip whatever I read you as. Itll be more accurate

Iā€™m not even hard to read everyone else is just bad at it

Imma go play some Overwatch ping me if you need me

I have learned Arete

You just never bus

No exceptions ever

They will, one day

[x] doubt

Emilia is not a wolf

she has super low wim as a wolf especially if her team isnā€™t doing well
wolves clearly arenā€™t doing well here
she never tries so hard to save eevee unless requested to and even if requested to she probably wouldnā€™t do it


I sort of almost tried to bus in Evolution

I would give your post a like but I wanna save the rest of these precious hearts

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i think i have a 100% accurate toneread on you so far

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itā€™s not what youā€™re doing that helps me read you itā€™s just tone

i honestly want to just parrot marshal here
lynch scum when scum found

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Option A: Lynch eevee

Option B: Lynch someone else outside of thunderdome

Whatā€™s your pick Vulgard and why

weā€™re in a very good position we donā€™t need to make big +EV plays, thereā€™s no point
lynch scum when scum found is the easiest solution and makes the most sense to me

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idk wolfes killed heals and outed cop. they arent doing too bad.

but on the other hand half their team is outed

iā€™d be more inclined to do super hyper amazing +EV strats like ignoring the thunderdomeā€¦ if we were in a worse spot and needed +EV plays
in our current situation it looks like weā€™re gonna nail two wolves in a row on days 1 and 2. we donā€™t need to think about this too hard
just yeet the wolf honestly