[VFM] Poisonous Mafia - (3/17) - Completed


Oh yea I forgot about that

Idk tho bc eevee is like 95% of the time scum to me

/backup @luxy

Like this was the main part of it, but like theres more if u want to see it

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  1. town poisoner cant not poison eevee because eevee claimed town poisoner

  2. youre desciribing problems we can get from 1 eevees poison in case he is last MP but in case he is last MP we are always in good situation since scum will lose KP

Can you tell me what u liked of their posts?

I want you to ISO this one or interact with ASAP I want a more fleshed out read.


Also awaiting those ISOs u promised

Emilia I have a redcheck with no CC. Im pretty sure everyone but Hippo has posted today, so I have no counterclaims. Plus if I was scum, then you pretty much have 3/4 of the team as someone else has claimed Eevees role before them

If heā€™s last MP and we donā€™t lynch him he gets a free kill off as we donā€™t got a healer? I donā€™t get ur point here

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Just overall what they have posted today feels like villa mindset

ill try to interact with them

I tried. its too hard

Can u grab some posts for me to show this?

Give it another go later, u got this

I dont think you are scum this play would be better even if your aligments were modconfirmed as you town and eevee scum

yes he gets 1 free kill and if he is last MP mafia will be in really bad situation after he dies at EoD tommorow

point is that with this we are better in all other 5/6 situtions that give us less favorable result

You know how we do this right. By lynching eevee

In 5/6 of those results we still have a poe that the poisoner poisons into, and we got a confirmed scum down. With that poisoned person we lynch the next in the poe. With ur method, we lynch into poe, leaving it to guesswork til EOD3 for the majority of people on the thunderdome result unless I get factionaled. We dont know if im going to be factionaled or poisoned. If I get factionaled yall leave Eevee to die if poisoned, if heā€™s not poisoned you lynch him. Ur gets us wagonomics early, while mine gets us a confirmed scum and potentially more with the poe poison

Its mainly

do we want wagonomics

or do we want confirm two slots and maybe reduce kp

I see more benefits in the latter but I see your reasoning in the former. I donā€™t think this forum as a whole uses wagonomics enough or right to get much use out of it, but if you do I would love to see your case

no we do by getting wagonomics/read and leaving eevee for TK

this happens either way


you will cuz you get another check them which they wont allow

if TP doesnt poison them they are throwing

mine doesnt take away any of things u listed

we reduce KP only in very townsided situation already and we still confirm other slots

Your method either resolves thunderdome at SOD3 or EOD3. I guess ur right its more likely SOD, but I would rather have confirmed scum lynched asap.

Eevee is not poe, heā€™s caught.

Yours does it backwards, which to me is backwards thinking. Like I would rather have confirmations early, so people can use that to read overnight with the right mindset in mind. Yours leaves it more open.

and what is wrong with reducing KP

at SoD we will have confirmed scum or you having check and conf scum being poisoned this only effects at what time each slot dies which doesnt matter since they never go up to LyLo

and I dont think in expected scenario it changes anything to wards other people

oh I didnt get what you meant but lynch is always better than private poison

most people think of you as conf town already plus the thing I mentioned before

I am not saying it wrong I am saying we only reduce KP in situation where in most townsided situation of all where we also remove it day later so we should improve our situation in others than that 1/6 most townsided situation

We did give a serious answer. Youā€™re red checked and the lynch target for today.

Yet they pushed on Amelia hard. I doubt they would do that if they were wolves though.

I legit want to say, ā€œIā€™ve had enoughā€ and then vote eevee with style

But we should really be focusing on other PoE.

If we go with lynching eevee, we need to discuss on who Alice poisons tonight

If we go and lynch a PoE, we need future potential targets for PoE especially because I would think Alice lives one night there.