[VFM] Poisonous Mafia - (3/17) - Completed

Supposing we lynch one of the players not on Amelia’s wagon and they flip Mafia poisoner, then that confirms Alice as the Town Poisoner.

They and Hippo have almost completely dipped since their day 1s. I don’t like it. I don’t read it as complacence, either. We still have two wolves to lynch. We’re not losing hardcore and the WiM should not have completely dropped.

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Italy’s reluctance to vote is also notable, because I don’t see why they would be reluctant as a villager. As a wolf, I see it. “Which wagon do I vote so I won’t seem suspicious?”

i’m not 100% sure if you realized this yet but my sleep schedule is completely fucked
i’m waking up at 9 PM

Why do people always feel the need to use IRL excuses? :upside_down_face:
Not that I don’t think they are valid, but they are AtE-ish. Eh, whatever. My stance here is probably controversial anyway.

Italy, why didn’t you vote on day 1?

Not someone who commonly votes. Especially when i’m not awake for EoD.

…Is that really your excuse? Give me proof that it’s normal for you not to vote on main wagons. For instance, quotes from different, finished games.

Well, there’s Virtuous, the game where I only voted around twice.

An early day vote (Which was correct) and a late day vote.

Can you explain why you voted there, but not here?

Well an early day vote is my way of saying “This person is undeniably scum and should 100% be the lynch today”
A late day vote is basically just a normal vote because i’m so damn cautious about voting and want to squeeze so much time out of days I never vote with more than 1 hour in the day

I should remind you that two mafia have been lynched and I haven’t seen your name on either of them.

We live in a world where you can be scumread for being asleep during EoD

I can see that explaining one missed vote on a mafia. Two missed votes on both mafia is stretching it a little.

…I feel like this line of questioning is a fruitless endeavor. I just want to get some information out of you, because you don’t seem to be doing much this game until you’re pushed or your alignment is questioned. That’s a little bit wolfy.

My most solid village read and you throw this weak shade. Then, you decided against it because it wouldn’t stick or do anything.

This readlist might contain only one wolf, or all villagers fmpov. We know it contains at least one villager, and I’m certain Arete is a villager, so that makes two.

This feels a little bit self-aware.

Ugh. I forgot you were pushing Derps. This is not a good look.

You keep pressuring Arete but you don’t vote there. Feels like you’re afraid of committing to your read.

Like, come on. Just vote them. As a villager, you have nothing to lose and nothing to fear.

I don’t really care about your voting principles, if I’m being honest.


You don’t seem excited. Only resigned.

What’s with the tone shift when I start questioning you?

Your ISO contains a lot of sketchy stuff, and that’s without mentioning your defensiveness early into day 1, which I’m… intentionally omitting. I’m really not sure if you’re a villager, my dear.

Anyone who has a heavy reaction to something is faking it
unless the prince just died

It’s possible to tell who’s being genuine and who’s faking.

I don’t start freaking out or jumping in excitement when something happens. I’m just not that kind of guy.

I don’t think arguing with you here makes much sense, so I think I will just drop it.
My vote stays on Hippo, but Italy’s tone shift is really off to me. I need input from more people before I make a decision there, but currently I’m leaning wolf.
Leaving the thread for a while.

It’s either Italy or Hippo we lynch today. Lets hear it for who should be lynched today.