[VFM] Poisonous Mafia - (3/17) - Completed

We didn’t know he was vanilla goon before he flipped, so that type of logic is invalid

This is me in literally every town game I had

You haven’t explained as much as you have here :^)

  1. I already explained that 10 times to 10 different people

you’re saying I am maf and if I was maf I would know eevee’s exact role

Every mafia knows what each other’s roles in. In fact, I want to bring up another thing that bothers me. For a little bit, Eevee said that you were the Cop instead of DatBird. Why did you think he did that?

Literally all of them have been picking one random small disagreement I had in someone’s reasoning and debating it for 2 days

That’s the point why would I by your logic to try to keep useless role alive

Nothing he tried to look towny

Nothing…… Nothing? There was no way Eevee could of looked townie in any capacity with a redcheck on him. I think he was trying to signal to you to make a counterclaim, but it obviously didn’t work out

He could have just told me in wolfchat wut


Yeah lmao

I thought people were already saying that Eevee didn’t give a crap about what was going on the game

Hell, he could have told in the wolfchat and signal you to claim as a cue

Marshal, don’t just leave me arguing alone! HNNNGHH

I’m actually on emelias side as far as the signal thing goes

One does not “signal” when there is a wolfchat and if eevee was trying to cue emelia into it then why didn’t emelia bite?


That makes like 0 sense why would he tell me in thread

He didn’t directly say “Hey, buddy, claim cop so you can protect my ass!”, forehead

Now squid you are right that it was the right move to kill eevee and I do think Emilia is wrong on that count

But the signal thing I don’t buy

Well why didn’t he say that in scumchat then

Suggesting me and emilia are in POE when we are masons is sacrilage

Do you think Eevee was really paying attention to anything this game? Do yo think he cared if he said it in scumchat or in the public thread?