[VFM] Poisonous Mafia - (3/17) - Completed

nah imma deny this one

just… reading SoD would tell you this

reading almost any thread today at all would also tell you this

There are well over 6000 posts. SoD posts are a needle in a haystack. Anyone could miss that.

I’m sure you’re all perfect gods who never miss a single post in their lives. Let me know if I’m wrong on this one.

i’ve think i’ve never once missed a SoD post in my nearly 9 month forum mafia career

contingency plan for fakepoisoned!Alice because I’m paranoid

If Alice is fakepoisoned

so I’m going to go ahead and write up a thing about what to do just in case Alice is fakepoisoned scum (assuming that we don’t hit scum)

in that world Alice knows that if the backup poisoner is alive she’s always getting poisoned at night

thus I think we can clear anyone she’s hardpushed specifically today from being her scumbuddy since that would risk getting them lynched and then her promptly getting poisoned

so that’s CRich and Hippo

that leaves Marshal/Emilia/Derps

removing Marshal because he’s pretty obvious town


I would lean slightly towards Derps here since Alice has been trying harder to protect him than to protect Emilia but that one could go either way

in that world I always realpoison Alice and then the rest of you decide who to lynch of the remaining people (and given the nature of LyLo in the game there’s a very real chance of scum fakepoisoning the last scum, don’t automatically clear someone for being poisoned at that point, but that turns into WifoM

I don’t pretend to be good person in real life either. I mean I did once say I hoped everyone who plays ToL all died.

is it not relevant who died? who was poisoned? Reading SoD to see what happened at night is huge

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So there you go. In case you thought I was a good person in real life. Wrong.

I have read every post in this thread although admittedly I’m not going to pretend to perfectly remember literally everything everyone has said

but flips are important, of course I read the SoD post

if you didn’t read the SoD post how did you know that sulit and Alice were poisoned?

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Well this is my 3rd Forum Mafia game if you include the game where I subbed and died the same day. So perhaps mistakes are expected.

this was never about that and I never wanted to make it about if you were a good person.

But reading SoD clues you in on major important events of the game and not reading that but also having and pushing your thoughts is strange

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Uh well because people mentioned them being poisoned.

How did you know napoleon died?

or who was poisoned?

and why are you pushing big things without learning about a big part of gamestate which isn’t that hard to find and read.

I’m going to be honest I don’t see that as super relevant to your alignment this game

like I could comment on the question of whether having ever done a bad thing makes you permanently a bad person forever but that also doesn’t seem super relevant

Well I find the idea of myself being a good person a lie.
Don’t be my friend. If you ever played ToL. I wanted you dead at one point.

And preferably as many casualties as possible in the past. Nuclear war scale.

But how is this relevant… at all?

we shouldn’t shift the argument to “is Crich morally bad or good” but “is Crich town or mafia”

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I want to remind everyone that we have just over 12 hours and majority-only lynches

1st timers make mistakes. Oh I’m sorry everyone learnt to play this game the day they were born. I didn’t how silly of me.