[VFM] Poisonous Mafia - (3/17) - Completed

Both, but mostly the former.

anyways this reaction is kind of meh so Iā€™m happy to leave my vote here for now

Hmm im not following. Could you be more specific?



well nah but itā€™s a thing that me and arete have been conditioned to be like ā€œwolfā€ for and while ur not jake it still is kinda weird and iirc i think you mighta actually done that once

what do u mean in this part, i dont get it

iā€™ve definitely noticed that you could very well be taking advantage of having a free push, especially because you know i do crazy shit as town
i just donā€™t put much effort into early game

this was a lie btw

the real answer is just to wait for alice to solve the game d1 and then sip piƱa coladas

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what if sheā€™s scum though

or then cry if alice randed wolf


Lead referred to my realization that Marshal was changing his meta.
Reaction test referred to my vote and my kinda shitty push.

also we all know that sheā€™s inevitably dying N1 if sheā€™s town

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@Arete it was you or someone else said that Italy gave up the doing nothing as scum. If so plz point me to said game

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You donā€™t know what a reaction test is? Itā€™s to ascertain if youā€™re town/village or mafia/wolf depending on how you deal with being under stress.

Vote Count

Accused Accuser Count
Italy Arete, Napoleon, Marshal 3/9

well there is the rare case where i am scum and in that case it is you

but that is the only deviation from ā€œn1-town-alice-deathā€

The first game where he notably did things as scum was ToS FM

admittedly some of the things he did were ā€˜attempted, as Witch, to bus someone he thought was Mafiaā€™ but he was at least doing things

he also did things in ā€œToLā€ FM where he was groupscum

To be honest I donā€™t really know why I voted Italy except that I was hoping for a reaction.

It usually backfires for what Iā€™ve seen, people are sometimesā€¦ impulsive.