[VFM] Poisonous Mafia - (3/17) - Completed

Have you read the thread?

Because I feel like heā€™s contributing the most when it comes to solving or reading people. Plus, his responses feel genuine and donā€™t feel like theyā€™re only made to make himself look better

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Yeah have you?

ā€¦Iā€™m going to die n1, am I?

If you have then How do you not know vuls And My read on you

probably LUL

unless im wolf and in that case you get n2 because arete gets the n1 c h o p

Is there a typo in this post

The literal meaning doesnā€™t really make sense here


Soylent you know you arenā€™t wolf???

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p sure she just meantā€™t ā€œarenā€™t i?ā€

Nah I told my mafia buds to kill Arete so youā€™re fine :upside_down_face:

Should be arenā€™t rather than am.

ā€¦ Thank you autocorrect

very cool

i do itā€™s a joke about me killing arete n1

and donā€™t call me soylent!

Whos soylent

Thatā€™s just kind of objectively false

like Alice exists, you can say that being solvey is within her wolf range, which is true, but that doesnā€™t mean Italy is contributing the most when thatā€™s ā€¦ not true ā€¦

Shouldnā€™t not Soylent

Your main point is this, which is dumb and nai at all. Like I dont ever read ops unless i need to.

And Vulgard agrees

Vulgard doesnt like the joke post and thinks i didnt develop reads other than gut, on like the five people on at the time. Which is again wrong. Just because I dont state every read doesnt mean I dont have them

Well did you read the op before joining the game?

No, why would i

So you didnt know the setup And still joined?