[VFM] Poisonous Mafia - (3/17) - Completed

Welcome to Poisonous Mafia!

Hosted by Luxy
Co-Hosted by @Geyde




Days last 48 hours and nights last 24 hours.
The mafia will communicate via a private DM on the forums.
The mafia has an unassigned factional kill per night.
Lynches are majority only.
A minimum of ten posts with content every 24 hours is required. If you do not meet this requirement you will be replaced out after one warning.
Players who are poisoned are announced at the start of the day after the night that the poisoner targetted them, and will die by the end of the day.
Both poisoners can choose either to real poison, or fake poison, anyone including themselves.
The Healer may choose one target per day to cure of their poison. The healer cannot target themself.
The backup poisoners are not informed that they are backup poisoners until their team’s poisoner has died. They will believe they are a vanilla town or mafia goon until the poisoner on their team dies.
The backup poisoners are flipped at VT/Goon if they die before the Poisoners and the rolecop checks the backup poisoner as VT.
Real and Fake poisons are both announced SoD, but only players who are real poisoned will die if not healed.


Vanilla Town

You have no abilities except for your voice and your vote. Put them to good use!
You win when the mafia have been eliminated.

Town Poisoner

Once per night, you may target a player to either real poison or fake poison. At the start of the coming day it will be announced who was poisoned the night before and players who are poisoned will die at the end of the day.
You win when the mafia have been eliminated.

Town Healer

Once per day, you may select a player, other than yourself, to cure of their poison. This prevents their death due to poison at the end of the day.
You win when the mafia have been eliminated.

Town Cop

Once per night you may investigate a player, revealing whether they are a member of the mafia or not.
You win when the mafia have been eliminated.

Town Backup Poisoner

When the Town Poisoner dies, you will gain their rolecard. The player assigned this rolecard will be given a Vanilla Town rolecard.
You win when the mafia have been eliminated.

Mafia Goon

You have no night abilities, however, you share a private chat and a factional kill with your teammates.
You win when the town has been eliminated.

Mafia Poisoner

Once per night, you may target a player to either real poison or fake poison. At the start of the coming day it will be announced who was poisoned the night before and players who are poisoned will die at the end of the day.
You win when the town has been eliminated.

Mafia Rolecop

Once per night, you may investigate a player, revealing their rolecard to you at the start of the next day.
You win when the town has been eliminated.

Mafia Backup Poisoner

When the Mafia Poisoner dies, you will gain their rolecard. The player assigned this rolecard will be given a Mafia Goon rolecard.
You win when the town has been eliminated.


Town Poisoner
Town Cop
Town Healer
Town Backup Poisoner
Vanilla Town
Vanilla Town
Vanilla Town
Vanilla Town
Vanilla Town
Vanilla Town
Vanilla Town
Vanilla Town
Vanilla Town

Mafia Poisoner
Mafia Rolecop
Mafia Backup Poisoner
Mafia Goon


  1. sulit
  2. eevee - Lynched D2 - Mafia Goon
  3. Napoleon
  4. Alice
  5. Marshal
  6. Vulgard
  7. Arete
  8. DatBird - Killed N2 - Town Cop
  9. Andrej N.1 - Killed D2 - Vanilla Town
  10. SirDerpsALot
  11. Appelsini - Killed N1 - Town Healer
  12. Hippolytus
  13. CRichard564
  14. PoisonedSquid
  15. Italy
  16. Amelia - Lynched D1 - Mafia Goon
  17. Emilia


  1. N.1
  2. Possessed

Useful Links:

SoD1: Apples to Apples
EoD1: Amelia is Lynched
SoD2: Appelsiini was Killed
EoD2: eevee is lynched and N.1 dies
SoD3: DatBird was Killed




Imagine not being Poisonous Mountainous




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Alice game :eyes:





Love this setup.





I’m ready to rand scum and have Alice find my entire scumteam in the first 12 hours of D1


Make sure to have me replace in for a scum :^)