[VFM] Purgatory III: The Reckoning! Finale. Demons Win!

I made it to post 30 before sleeping

Reminder theres less than four hours left, and a good few are under the 20 on topic posts. Get to it!

I am currently at post 36, but why were we voting up Wazza on a whim like that?

Iā€™m not sure Iā€™m liking the wagon on anagram

Itā€™s weird that I feel his posts ping me either way on them. Maybe itā€™s to do with the different heads idk

Because people just felt like it.


Voted Voters Votes
darth_tabor Zone_Q11 1/5
Raven Yawn, Anagram 2/5
Anagram Raven, Trivial, darth_tabor 3/5
Moleland Wazza 1/5

I feel like I havenā€™t seen enough from you to form an opinion yet, mind commenting on my reads post while I take a closer look at your slot?

Maybe I am different, but I donā€™t vote early in the day. Thatā€™s just my opinion, as I would rather place my vote somewhere I want than vote just to place a vote. In the past when I vote on a wagon I donā€™t believe in or my gut says otherwise they flip exactly what I think they are most of the time (at post 42)

Seems like a stupid reason because if you are a lost soul we are allowing a demon to escape hell. We do not random vote guys. We always give a reason as to why we are voting, especially in a game where we have to vote lost souls into heaven and demons into hell

Reread moleland and they feel like a scumlean instead of a neutral. They havenā€™t really contributed much, only to make their random opening (still unexplained but assumed RVS) vote and take a neutral stance on anyone elseā€™s opinion. It seems like they donā€™t have much of their own opinions and are just contradicting others.

Depending on their response to my reads post, I might put them as more of a scumlean than you, but weā€™ll see.

Sure thing.

Something that comes to mind is that at least one of Raven, yawn and Anagram is a wolf. Iā€™m sure of it

That seems entirely contradictory to the RVS strategy. Theyā€™re not meant to have that much meaning, just a tactic to get people to talk and get more information

This is exactly right, so Zone has to have a reason for voting Wazza. @Zone_Q11 what reason are you voting Wazza? Zone is also usually aggressive

Seems a fine read. They are a null to me at this point

I have a nullscum read here myself, but Iā€™m not interested in banishing this slot

Hmm, I feel like Wazza is being opportunist with his vote. I have a scumlean myself

I have no opinion on them right now myself.

I agree with this uneasy feeling they are giving off. Really should Iso them but have no energy to do so today.

If Anagram flips we get some decent info in the people voting them :thinking:

Hereā€™s the deal, I donā€™t like RVS votes. They donā€™t show alignment and are just haha funny meme votes, which is just not how I like to play. If you want to generate conversation just talk

Wrong. Reactions can be quite informative

To each their own I guess. Iā€™m not a fan of RVS either, but I understand it can be useful and donā€™t question it to much in practice

Would you say most if not all of your reads are null right now? Also could you explain more your Wazza read? Is it more than OMGUS?

I generally pick up my scum opinions via vca and I havenā€™t looked hard enough at most posts to really form strong opinions

In regards to wazza, he was like ā€œOhā€¦ Thereā€™s nothing I can doā€ to suddenly, " Lol, vote this guy" with no real progression. Seems fake