[VFM] Purgatory III: The Reckoning! Finale. Demons Win!


Voted Voter Counts
Raven Trivial 1/4

Yeah. My plan was to send some town up to heaven and have Wazza + Anagram send me down to hell, thereby pushing all the burden to that one unlucky town.

It got ruined since neither darth_tabor nor Anagram townread me / do not want me to go to heaven anymore though.

Good job, you two. Really. Good. *******. Job.

It doesnā€™t matter now anymore.
It really doesnā€™t.

We will never send a demon to hell, and even if we send me to heaven and secure one cycle, Judgement Day will only arrive after another misexe at Hell Phase 3.

This will never work.
Thisā€¦ this is madness.

Demons will win this game by Heaven Phase 2 because I canā€™t get to heaven, and nothing will stop them from winning.

Mark my words.

The thing about heaven isā€¦ even if Anagram and darth_tabor townread meā€“
No, even if they had a greencheck on me, they will still never send me to heaven.

Because the bloody bloke that goes to heaven has to be the judge over who goes to hell during Judgement Day.

There is no way they will trust me for that job, and if they do then I will 100% backstab them for trusting me by sending a town down to hell.

Itā€™s over for me.
Itā€™s all over.

Raven and gorta are the remaining Demons imo.

Too tired to deal with Zoneā€™s shit rn so wonā€™t be in thread for a bit.

If you want reasoning go read our ISO yadda yadda

~ Player 1

Let me predict the future for you:
Raven will claim innocence for voting me all the way to the very end.

ā€“but I am stingy, petty, and scummy as **** so I wonā€™t give Raven the towncred.

I still on and off about that, yarn is still a big zero in my thoughts right, without rereading them
and I dont really know if Gorta is that blantant in regards to trying to kill his buddy

Raven fits in most worlds
better vote, but obviously, lets no get hasty

right now it isnt lylo, but once we switch over to heaven phase, it will be if we miss here

there are parts of me that think you are trying to force your town meta super hard here

like you look better when you it comes naturally, not when you are babbling to yourself like an idiot trying to obviously make yourself look like you are gamethrowing

As sucky as that Heaven phase was, I think we can still win this game.
My PoE is the same currently: Zone, Raven, gorta.

Zone will be tunneling my slot this entire day, so we really only have 4 villagers to work with, if he is town. We need to all be on board.

We have enough villagers alive to safely execute during Heaven phases. I think we send darth to heaven tomorrow, execute in PoE again, then perhaps send me to Heaven? I will mull this over later.
I would like us to execute in this PoE today.
I will think over the plan more as the day progresses.

I will of course be looking through Wazzaā€™s ISO for spew soon, and I am absolutely open to re-evaluation if we donā€™t get a wolf out today.

Letā€™s get this dub.

~ Player 1

What did I even lead?

This isnā€™t great, but I think I need to re-eval things and think about things here. The good news is that we can maybe get some info out of it. In Wazzaā€™s last few games he was just like that and town, so thatā€™s why I townread that

Today we have to execute a demon in the hell phase

I screwed up big time, but hereā€™s the deal I never wanted @Trivial or anyone really to sheep my reads without using their own head to decide if they agree with my reads or now

They were acting like their town self in my opinion

You donā€™t know how much I hate this post

Yes, I lead that, but my reads arenā€™t always good. I would say they are pretty good about 80% of the time, but never blindly follow my reads. I could always be wrong and you could be right about my reads, so please provide criticism if you ever think my reads are wrong and tell me why you think they are wrong.

I need to re-eval everything, but I am not a demon here

Here is the problem. You simply cannot distinguish my ramblings whenever I am town, and me trying to recreate my town ramblings as scum. Because either way: I like being townread regardless of alignment, and thatā€™s the end of the story. Itā€™s a simple thing that every Level 0 thinker wants, but I didnā€™t receive.

Wow. Nothing changed, huh?
Okay. Nothing changed.

Sure. I will keep playing your game.

/vote Anagram

Come on @Anagram, make your move.


Vote me. Follow Anagram.
They are always right.
They were right about Wazza, so they MUST be right about me as well.
Ignore the BS reads from Mole. He got Wazza wrong, so he must also have me wrong.

/Vote Raven @clonedcheese

@an_gorta_pratai what are your thoughts now that Wazza died and flipped W? Have you re-evaluated?
You keep saying youā€™re going to do things, then either never do them, or do them half-assed.
I think its about time you started contributing to the thread in real-time.
Come talk to me one-on-one!

~ Player 1


Voted Voter Counts
Raven Trivial 1/4
Anagram Zone 1/4

Iā€™m getting Day 1 flashbacks from this VC.

~ Player 1

Did you guys know, that ever 60 seconds that passes, a minute passes with no posts in the thread?
