[VFM] Purgatory III: The Reckoning! Finale. Demons Win!

–I just noticed this, but how the heck was I supposed to control the thread when it was bloody 3 AM in the morning? I know that my sleep schedule has been dead for around a week by now, but how did you expect me to control an entire thread within hours?

Oh how the tables have turned.

–I am currently at darth’s 40th post or so, and I don’t even need to ISO further to see that they are town considering they are questioning Wazza.

It is a Level 0 thinking of “scum don’t talk to each other, let alone question their actions”.

Bah, I feel that ISO’ing Wazza and Raven could’ve given me better data.

Maybe its just me, but I tend to respond to my wolf partners more often then villagers?

and It doesnt even matter if its level-0, what matters is, “Does Darth believe that read, or is he making it up”

Good for you.
I wish I go to hell when this phase is over.

cheese said “tag me when you vote”
Dat said “I accept all votes”

So if cheese accepts Yawn’s vote which was accepted by Dat, then cheese is most likely going to accept votes without his tags as well.

If he doesn’t: Spamtag and annoy Dat so that he accepts the vote.

I mean, your other half has yet to explain that read. I suggest you ISO gorta yourself.

Why do you think Yawn is scum?


I have not. Not sure about 1, though.


Or u accept that I just grab all votes and dont want pings

  • It’s just you.
  • It matters if it’s Level 0, because thinking whether Darth made that stuff up or not is Level 1, and I don’t plan to commit that much in this game when I don’t even have to.

ugggggggggggh efffffffffffort though

ok boomer

Yeah. This works too.
It doesn’t work when you are asleep, but I honestly don’t think it will be a problem in this game considering its expected (lack of) activity.

Got it zoomer.

I bet that if I iso Darth I might hate him lol, but I am also more of a “real-time” player, than an iso person

not Darth, I mean Gorta*

hmm the way that Yawn/Wazza interact don’t feel like its wolf/wolf

this I hate though, like he does a lot of this in regards to Raven

shade, but the vote is there, so its not really shade

but this dude definitely focused on a lot on both scum so far, which makes me squint a bit

I probably should just assume this dude isn’t being malicious, just like I am doing with Anagram

Darth is just town here, so now I am at the last wolf is in Zone/Gorta

/vote Darth


Voted Voter Counts
Darth Yawn, Trivial 2/4

like if Darth is a wolf here, we are all just bad anyways
and I don’t believe that is the case, and its more likely he is just spewed town

I regret ISO’ing Raven, since they have talked with Wazza and pretty much everyone else.

The only thing I understood clearly from their ISO was that Anagram is town because they talked way too much together.

Sigh. I guess I have to shift my PoE from only Yawn to gorta/Trivial.

Reading Wazza’s ISO, this is the only thing that was related to Trivial. I found nothing (subjectively interesting) related to gorta.

Wazza had gorta in his PoE along with Darth, Mole and me, in the early game, but… I don’t know what to make of it since it is outdated data.