[VFM] Purgatory III: The Reckoning! Finale. Demons Win!

yawn was me

yawn, easy game losers

You played like shit

no but idk how much the second person played lol

also I played like this for health reasons, and its exactly why I am going on hiatus
nothing more nothing less
mafia is getting to stressful for me, and it effects real life at this point for me


take ur break u deserve it

That’s often the case when it comes to fm
Don’t feel bad about it

insert ghosthug here

@astand gl gamer

Marshal chickened out from the bet.


I chickened out and didn’t take the bet because I thought he had OOG

I was sure on it but I wasn’t gonna risk it


I told derps nobody would expect us lmao

I feel like there were only 2 (well 3) players who played well this game and that’s probably Darth and Anagram

There were 2 players who played badly, me included, the other person knows who they are.

man I should have lynched Darth :cry:
I had that gut feeling

derps was painfully obvious

I briefly thought wisp off of the tinfoil that someone would use “k” if it was their irl name but not forum name and wisp fit that bill

but that was kind of a fleeting thought

I fucked up with that Wazza vote, woops

dude come on man why u callin me out :pensive:


that was what I was going for with

oh yeah i definitely wanted to stab you there

you played fine, not good, but not horribly bad