[VFM] Purgatory III: The Reckoning! Finale. Demons Win!

this is true. I do wish we had more players and posts to work with, but I also think continuing to mention this isnt healthy for the thread.

I dont think anybody beyond Trivial is.

this mindset seems to align somewhat with trivial’s threadstate read. Do you agree with it?

Not really, nothing else has stood out to me yet

From whose perspective, and if it is from Trivial, then how the heck is that slip towny?

Anagram/Raven W/W… I am not convinced.

Being stupid does not equal being town.

I say you are covering for Trivial while they are coupling you with Anagram.

/vote Trivial

Well at least we can both agree that the Raven read is bad

Oh god. It is Surge. That would explain a lot.

Wait. Not Surge. Surge never uses the word tunnel. …sigh, just an annoying rando then.

Again, I don’t think I can totally agree with their threadstate, too early to tell and low posting can be good for hiding scum. Not something you can call tho when your 5th highest poster has only posted 11 times

this is probably more effective if you say this after zone posts. Also, read their posts! Theres not too many. I will wait for Zone to post first, however.

I already thought they were town. That post made me add the unfortunate, not town.

forgetting who the host is a townslip because wolves would likely be thinking about the game enough to not make such an easy mistake?

I am going to have dinner now. Goodbye for the time being.

Sure… you do you.

This is true. Anagram and you (Raven) both townread me somehow, and so far the only one who “tunnels” me is the hypocrite Trivial.

I’m only mentioning it as I am having a discussion with Trivial on the matter.
I don’t think my partner did help the threadstate by saying “its quiet…” when nobody was posting, so I don’t plan on doing so.
I am here to talk with people and solve!

Your first post is hedge, yet you believe it is important to point out anyways, as you only post about things you see as relevant, apparently.
I find this interesting, and believe it is more likely to come from a wolf than town.
I have an idea
Gun-to-head, who are villagers, and who are wolves?

I am off for a bit, if anyone tries to guess who I am, I will be ignoring your posts, just a friendly reminder

I agree with your Darth thoughts, and personally I hated his reaction to Zone train that doesn’t even exist, unless you are weird enough to believe 1 or 2 votes constitutes as a train



Hm… weird. You voted Anagram for “suddenly” townreading Trivial, and in the next post you are suddenly townreading Trivial.

Wrong. It is NAI, because I was already thinking hard about the game before I even signed up.

Forgetting who the host is implies lack of attention. Whether you townread or nullread that is a subjective matter, and I believe it is the latter.

…oh. Okay, have a nice meal!

Gun-to-head, no. I’m just throwing out thoughts rn, ask me again later when I have a chance to collect them. And you’re right, I guess the relevance is more to me than to the thread. I’m real bad at remembering stuff from earlier in the phase or previous phases, so looking back at my own posts helps me form better opinions and remember why I do or don’t like someone

You v Zone just stood out to me at that moment

…damn. You are one heck of a weird ball, because I like this post.

One thing I dislike though: You were the one who was in the one-man train in the first place…

Well, okay. I guess you are fine with getting shot.

/vote darth_tabor

I guess my read of the Tabor slot as the game goes on, will depend on how much experience he has playing mafia

-k (again)

Welp, I deserve that one