[VFM] Purgatory III: The Reckoning! Finale. Demons Win!

I’m getting Day 1 flashbacks from this VC.

~ Player 1

Did you guys know, that ever 60 seconds that passes, a minute passes with no posts in the thread?


Well… I guess nobody can stop me from posting fluff as long as they slank.

“Treat a man as he is, and he will remain as he is. Treat a man as he could be, and he will become what he should be.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson

Well, if you wish to treat me as “malice in human form”, then I will gladly become one.


It’s been a long journey.

…huh. I didn’t even notice that this game is my 100th FM game.
…well congratulations future me, I am disappointing myself as usual.

I went to sleep, got up at 1 PM something and spent some time with my family, but I should be here for a bit

Glad to see you’re back!
I’d like you to do this now.

~ Player 1

I will get to this, but for now it’s 6 PM and I want to get something to eat

Alright, I’m back with another reads list. I’m kind of lost atm, so I’m just putting my PoE, which is everyone except Anagram and Yawn at the moment. Obviously Anagram is towncore. Yawn I’m not sure about, but they haven’t posted since my last reads list and they weren’t that low on my reads list anyway, so unless they openwolf today I don’t plan on sending them to Hell.

I think the best I can do with the rest of you is look at your connections with Wazza and with each other, so here it goes:


I know Zone said it ironically, but seeing this slot do more reading and analyzing is very refreshing and a good look. I think there takes are entirely wrong, but at least they’re trying now, and clearly forming their own opinions. Now let’s look at their connections to other players.


  • Likes Raven, thinks they are fine because they are ‘solvey’


  • Doesn’t think Trivial should vote them into Heaven
  • Doesn’t like that Trivial isn’t solving
  • Likes Trivial because of tone


  • Townreads Zone based on meta

The Zone meta read seems to be fine, they made the same observation with Moleland in the first Hell phase, so I don’t see any issues here.
For Trivial and Raven though, their reasoning is weak. A ‘solvey’ player isn’t necessarily a town player, especially if their reasoning is wack and/or pushing agenda. You also seem to make multiple points against Trivial, but ultimately like their tone and thus townlean them. It feels too much like you’re saying the bad things just to say them and look ‘solvey’ yourself but are ultimately ignoring all these things.

Wazza did not mention Gorta in the Heaven phase, but Gorta obviously liked them because they voted Wazza into Heaven. Interestingly enough, they cited tone as a main reason for this read, same as with Trivial.

If Gorta is scum, mostly likely case is Wazza/Gorta/Trivial. Wazza/Gorta/Raven is also plausible.


I don’t have much to say here in the way of reads. As Gorta said, they do seem to be ‘solvey,’ so I’ll give them that. There reads being off is starting to rub me as weird though. Let’s look at their connections with other players.


  • Questions Gorta’s Zone vote in Hell phase


  • Liked their casual tone in Hell phase
  • Doesn’t like that they hadn’t posted in Heaven phase at that point
  • Didn’t want them into Heaven, but didn’t seem to not like them?


  • Doesn’t like how Zone is posting
  • But thinks Zone would try harder as scum to look good
  • Votes Zone for Heaven

It’s a very similar take on all of them here, so this doesn’t give much direction. They were incredibly neutral with Wazza, and I’m seeing that neutrality here as they don’t take a hard stance on any of these players.
For Wazza’s view of Raven, Anagram correctly pointed out that Wazza shaded them in early Hell phase but switched them to town for ‘vibes’. Wazza also points out to Zone that they forgot Raven. Drawing Raven to attention could mean that Wazza doesn’t care if Raven is in the spotlight, but it could also be that Wazza remembers Raven more as fellow scum and didn’t think of the consequences of bringing them up.

I don’t think one scum team sticks out more than the others here, but there seems to be a greater connection with Wazza here than with other players.


I don’t like this slot. I don’t appreciate the lack of effort and the refusal to give reasoning for their reads. They didn’t even pretend they weren’t sheeping Gorta when they voted. If this is town, I’m rather disappointed. Connect to other players.


  • Voted Gorta to Heaven, didn’t give any reason
  • Directly sheeps Gorta’s vote, doesn’t try to cover it up
  • Thinks Wazza’s flip makes Gorta look worse


  • “Raven is a wolf” from notes
  • Defaults to Wazza/Raven/Gorta scum team
  • Votes Raven quickly when Hell phase starts


  • ?

I don’t see much read interaction with Zone here. They seem to have continuous takes on Raven as well, so I don’t think that’s the scum team. However, their read on Gorta is wild. They voted Gorta to Heaven, then sheeped Gorta’s vote, but now Gorta is definitely scum? Seems like distancing to me.
Wazza doesn’t seem to have much in the way of Trivial takes during Heaven phase. However, we have Trivial sheeping Gorta on the Wazza vote. As terrible of a cover it is, I wonder if sheeping Gorta reasoning is cover for them trying to get Wazza into heaven…

If Trivial is scum, the scum team is Wazza/Trivial/Gorta. They don’t reference each other much, but there may be a connection between Wazza and Trivial.


I think we all feel a collective wtf here. The bringer of chaos. He really seemed to want to leave the game, almost begging to be sent to Hell in this phase. And I know he’s challenging Anagram, and that we shouldn’t give him that satisfaction of being voted out. But also, I don’t want to keep him or townread him because he’s clearly shown that he can use reverse psychology to his benefit. Connecttttttt.


  • Sarcastic ‘you are putting in effort yay’ from Zone


  • On their scum team (Raven + Darth + Anagram/Yawn)
  • Keeps forgetting to put them in their posts


  • ?

Again, not much between Trivial and Zone here, or Gorta and Zone. The forgetting Raven is interesting, every move Zone made in Heaven phase was very deliberate, so there’s a high chance this move was intentional.
Wazza and Zone’s relationship is also very weird. Zone clearly wanted Wazza in Heaven and Wazza didn’t like that, but Wazza also joined Zone in not liking Anagram but went against Zone for liking me? I’d think if they were a scum team, they wouldn’t be so divided on how they relate to each other, but again, I wouldn’t put it past Wazza and Zone, seeing what Zone did last phase.

If Zone is scum, then the scum team is Wazza/Zone/Raven.

So there are two choices for scum team:

  • Wazza/Zone/Raven
  • Wazza/Gorta/Trivial

And this puts all four of them on the table still. And I think I need to take a step back for a bit so I can compare them later because I’ve been doing this post for far too long. I think the reactions and subsequent interactions between them will be very telling of which is correct.

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And look where that got us: a tie.

It wasn’t sarcastic though. I hate his inactivity, but I do like him finally doing stuff.

Let me guess: Every form of me denying this possibility will only worsen because of reverse psychology?

Just make your choice. I already chose to die now, so what’s holding everyone up anyway?

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The reverse psychology does put a damper on things. I wish I could trust what you say without having to wonder what you’re planning. You’re too good at manipulating this game.

Well apparently I still got manipulated in the end since I had townread Wazza despite voting you.

My plan was to stay on you, have you flip scum at best, and be thrown to hell now. Even if you flip town, I could definitely get Wazza’s and both Anagram’s votes since those people were easy to manipulate.

–but in the end, the jester was the one who got played, and now I am just waiting to see whether people will townread me or outright send me to hell.

Either way: I am sick of both Anagrams shoving their agenda into my mouth.

  • First they told me I didn’t have any reads despite that not being the case.
  • Now they still scumread me for making a mess out of Heaven Phase 1, and they are deadset thinking that I will do nothing else other than tunnel him.

**** you in particular, Anagram P1.

If you want me to tunnel you, then so be it *****!

Your ability to manipulate the chat makes me doubt you being manipulated yourself.

You can doubt all you want, but it’s not as if I can tell anything to you that doesn’t make you doubt me. I am just “so good” (at making chaos) apparently.

Plus, once I get sent to hell, you will see that I didn’t lie anyway, and AtE won’t safe me since Anagram, you, and pretty much every non-slanker should have been anti-AtE by now.

In other words: Hurry the **** up and send me to hell already.

im disappointed with me as well, but I am not going to stress over the game of mafia anymore

I won’t deny that I fucked up when I tied that vote