[VFM] SFoL -1: Hall of the Incendiary - Night 6 - Cult wins!

Namely before you flip the first person.

Well Iā€™d like to see an explanation, the double standards. The lack of evidence. Iā€™m getting tired of it.

i am saying that most of it was wolfy

How is that scummy? Iā€™m genuinely asking. People mark things w/w all the time, implying that if the first flips Elim then the second one is too

Havent you said before that Iā€™d be lock scum if misty flipped scum? Or am I going crazy?

how did he pre flip u and mist

again, where tf did you come from? you werenā€™t saying anything at all

I never said that.stop trying to put words in my mouth.

I didnā€™t ask that to you, I asked that to leafia because she held me to a double standard she never put me on

leafiaā€™s arguements are dumb, but i still believe that gghana is scum

which parts u want me to answer


Your read of GG just said he did towny things and tunneled

theyā€™reā€¦ dumb?
what more do you need

Did you miss all the words after when I said I wasnā€™t sure? I actually think you put words in my mouth my friend :slight_smile:

Have you not been paying any attention at all? This is why Iā€™ve given up on explanations. No one bothers to read them.

you think that ghana is Elim because theyā€™re dumb?

Why Iā€™m scummy and leafia isnā€™t

i think leafiaā€™s arguements are dumb

No. You put words into mine.