[VFM] SFoL -1: Hall of the Incendiary - Night 6 - Cult wins!

Demoknight has gone for “oh shit im sus ill stop posting” strat
Gghana has gone for “oh shit im sus imma keep digging a whole” strat

Both strats are p bad i just dont know who is best to yeet

the problem isn’t Ben’s argument, its your response.

I mean that’s all the reads we do

So honest question, if there’s no real way to prove it, why should we argue it? We can argue if I was lolcatting, but you can’t figure out if I stopped, when I stopped, if I ever did it in the first place.

because Ben is pointing out a possibility of a wolf doing what you did

Yes and I’m not arguing that. I’m arguing about his second point

You’re not arguing that you’re a wolf?

This is phrased poorly. You are not defending yourself from the accusation that you are a wolf?*

Idc about his second arguement. I’m saying why did you bother trying to deny the possibility.

in a way where you say only a wolf do this.

Read it again

/vote Gghana

I’m saying that it’s a valid argument. Only the second one doesn’t make sense

I’m not Ben, why are you asking me?

Yes I am. I’m just starting out by pointing out the logical inconsistencies. Is that a crime?

Why are you asking me why I’m denying his argument

Now can I defend myself?

because it looked like you were trying to deny his first arguement

Well I wasn’t. Please let me refute his first argument

X to doubt