[VFM] SFoL -1: Hall of the Incendiary - Night 6 - Cult wins!

These reasons for killing ghana are not good

@ScaledSlinky how you be doin

Iā€™ve been trying to solve the game. Iā€™ve made reads. I havenā€™t been sheeting. Iā€™ve been active way more than he has. I try to find valid reasons for my reads rather than gut

Do I need to continue?

no its not unlike u literally cant prove social reads


hey ghana
foolproof method

just go
ā€œI will prove I am town tomorrowā€ and ā€œI am not the yeet today, I am never the yeet for todayā€

maybe then people will listen to you

but also If iā€™m being a 4th elim then sry town hehe

woah woah woah what is this, a possible wolf helping a possible wolf?

Iā€™ve been open minded and have actually changed my reads. Iā€™ve been active trying to get others to change their minds instead of dipping at the first sign of trouble. I have way more reads rather than just one.

Alright then present them and explanation.


I just did?

Thereā€™s 30 minutes till the EoD do you really want me to do a wall post? I mean Iā€™d be fine with it

Just donā€™t use it as further ā€œevidenceā€ that Iā€™m scum if I donā€™t respond quickly enough


Cool. Gimme a few minutes.

whoa whoa whoa what is this, someone wanting to kill someone for being confusing instead of thinking theyā€™re a wolf?

@ScaledSlinky you donā€™t really have more time to iso. Please come back.

What Iā€™m going to do here is skim GGhanaā€™s ISO and comment more on the motivation behind their posts and general playstyle than the content of the posts themselves. (I donā€™t really care if this is controversial, itā€™s how I generally make reads.)

So, before starting what I and everyone else must keep in mind is GGhanaā€™s relevant background information: the fact that they are a new player (albeit one well-versed in forum mafia terms) that comes from the Throne of LIes game, a very mech-heavy setup. Having played it myself several times, I understand at least a bit of the mindset GGhana is likely entering the game with: be aggressive, make your voice loud and impossible to miss, and prioritize self-survival.

Iā€™d now like to bring up this particular post of mine, as I believe itā€™s still relevant here.

I now have a question for you all that I believe is relevant: how do you read new players?

In my opinion, everyone answering this will give us more insight in how to read GGhana, especially considering that EOD, and their identity as a highly contested slot.

My own answer: I generally tend to read new players from the tone and circumstances around their posts rather than the content itself. Theyā€™re new, of course their content is going to be a bit odd, not to say itā€™s useless though.
Tone: How confident do they appear to be in the thread, and how comfortable? Are they asking lots of questions, and if so, how are they asking them?
Circumstances: Most new wolves Iā€™ve seen are remarkably frozen, some rely on their partners to give them advice before every post and some are simply too scared any content will reveal themselves.

This is why Iā€™ve considered GGhana a townlean, disregarding everything that happened EOD.

This is why Iā€™ve townread GGhana in the past, and why I still do currently, even considering their generally odd behavior. Nearly every post GGhana has made is intended to draw the public eye to them, theyā€™re not afraid to get into an argument or buck the ā€œconsensusā€. Theyā€™ve been posting reasoning behind everything they do (almost immediately, at that) which I believe would be hard for a wolf to fake in their very first game. GGhana is eager to solve and itā€™s clear as day re-ISOing them. This is just town, and I frankly refuse to let it be lynched.

I know most people see a wall and scroll past, especially this close to EOD. but Iā€™m asking everyone here to read this in itā€™s entirety.

As I see the wagons unlikely to change at the moment, /vote Demo @Arete

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Too late, already have.

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