[VFM] SFoL -1: Hall of the Incendiary - Night 6 - Cult wins!

You fail to consider that I made it a 69 joke.

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you forget this is a mountainus

/vote demoknight

demoknight tf2

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as the fool i would just like to point out that all these votes should be going on me

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okay i suppose that’s acceptable

you get a pass for now

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self voting scummy joycat


Oh my lord lmfao.
Yeah, I did forget that.
I was gonna ask why tf I rolled vanilla town

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demoknight tf2

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me and demo knight hard confirmed scum i agree

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Glad to see you’re on the right track my friend.

Too late to CC Fool myself?

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this is your brain on sleep deprivation kids

get good sleep


Nope. Please join in on the fun

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how’s about no

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Since you so humbly asked,
I CC Fool, exe all other claims to the contrary.

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so why did you roll vanilla town?

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please do

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Hall of the Incendiary: All Fool Version

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Because it is mountainous.

TBH I thought it was just a random thing and that the prince and incendiary were just examples of what the cards look like.

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:sparkles: embrace reading :sparkles:


I think I might actually get some sleep for once and maybe then I can function properly.
So, see yall later, time for a nap

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see this

do this

get good sleep