[VFM] SFoL -1: Hall of the Incendiary - Night 6 - Cult wins!

Sorry, I meant “holy fucking shit” :slight_smile:

Either way, just a reminder that no-voting is never optimal here. We don’t get NKA or mech-info. Also, there is the slight chance that we executed someone who was doused.

I don’t think MyLo or LyLo are announced, either.

im p sure it’ll only be announced like, after an ignite/a lynch that brings it to LyLo/MyLo
that way we don’t know who’s doused
don’t know for sure, haven’t checked op

Not with any good reasons that you’re town.

They’re announced.

Okay, so we’re still good for today?

doesn’t say anything

wdym good reason I am town do you want me to ISO myself and make a read?

4 people doused and 2 scum leaves 5 undoused, which means… if we exe correctly, we have 5 doused, 1 scum, and 4 undoused

if we exe incorrectly, we have 5 doused, 2 scum, and 3 undoused

I think I’m going back to between Ben, Whysper, and ATNoName… I’ll have to look at the Ghana wagon again to check for bussing…

I reckon I was doused last night and pkr night before I sense it with my spidey powers

/vote Benjamin_Shapiro

parking here for now
school ends in three minutes
who knows, i may grace you with my presence yet again

this is just like ill wagon u ppl just vote for literally no reason

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A broken clock is right once a day and we were wrong yesterday therefore we must be right with you today.

top tier read

but even for that case it only is right 1/12 times and only if u count hours

For real tho u arent rlly showing us ur town ur just bashing everyones dumb arguments.

Just because people use bad arguments against you it doesnt make you town. Most towny thing you can do is show a towny mindset talking about someone or reads or something else.

I see poor arguments used against mafia all the time.

yes because ppl keep making bad argument against me

woah no way