[VFM] SFoL -1: Hall of the Incendiary - Night 6 - Cult wins!

/vote Benjamin_Shapiro

I would like to say thank you for everyone returning when I’d pinged, though I wish we would’ve had far more actual discussion time.

Yeah I think Whys gets damned to oblivion here, especially with Ben’s vote

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Corrected vote count

Vote Target Voted by Votes
Whysper ATNoName, SirDerpsAlot, Leafia, ScaledSlinky 4/6
Benjamin_Shapiro demoknighttf2, Shrek_Gurl_12, Light 3/6
sulit Whysper 1/6
Not Voting sulit, Benjamin_Shapiro, PokemonKidRyan 3

Ping me if I missed any votes

Everyone has 5 minutes to ping me with corrections

“I have proof that Whysper is a heretic!” said ATNoName, waving a few pieces of parchment in the air.

“Really?” said Whysper. “And what’s your proof?”

“Your own writings!” said ATNoName, spreading out the pieces of parchment in front of the rest of the court. “Isn’t it true that, when you were 19, you wrote a treatise denying that Yios was truly as fully a god as the other gods?”

Whysper looked away, flinching. “Fine, maybe I have some heretical beliefs, but I am not a Cultist! The Cultists wouldn’t even be considering this as a question! Besides, is it really heresy if I’m right?”

“That’s almost exactly what GGhana said,” said ScaledSlinky. “I think you’re one of them.”

Whysper fought back tears as she forced herself to continue speaking. “This is why I didn’t want to tell you – because I knew how you’d react,” she said. “I promise you, I would never kill the Prince, or anyone else.”

“The cult hasn’t been killing anyone else,” said ATNoName softly. “It sounds to me as if you’ve just confessed.”

Together, the members of the court seized Whysper and bound her wrists behind her back with rope. They shoved her off the bridge and threw her into the river.

“Wait,” said one of them, as she was floating away. “The cult can control fire, can’t they? So couldn’t she just burn through the ropes?”

The crowd watched tensely, worried that she would break free. Yet as the minutes passed, it became clear that she was not about to liberate herself from the ropes that bound her. They would not have a cultist’s wrath to contend with – but this came at the cost of an innocent person’s life.

Whysper has been executed. She was:

The Observer

You have no abilities except your voice and your vote. Put them to good use!
You win when all of the Cult are dead.

Night 5 begins and will end at 2020-10-24T14:00:00Z.

Don’t talk until Marshal says you can.

Message from arete: (spec chat requested this flavor please don’t hate me)

As the remaining ten members of the court began to make their way back to their quarters, one of them suddenly stopped. “I just remembered something,” she said.

“What is it?” asked another.

“Today was supposed to be the festival of joy,” she said. “The day when we celebrate everything that makes us happy. With everything that happened in the past few days, I had completely forgotten about it – I wasn’t exactly feeling joyful.”

“Oh,” said their conversational partner quietly. “We should probably try to celebrate it, shouldn’t we. It’s what we’re supposed to do.”

The court briefly scattered, before reconvening. One by one, they began to present objects and creatures that had brought them joy that year.

“This is my joycrab,” said one, holding up a crab. “Seeing how he moves around brings me tremendous joy. One of my favorite pastimes is to watch him scuttle.” Yet as they spoke, their tone was empty, and they didn’t even manage to contort their face into a smile.

“This is a branch from my joytree,” said another, holding up a twig. “I’ve been tending it for years, and the shade and delicious fruit it provides brings me joy.”

“That is my joycat,” said yet another, gesturing towards a cat that was completely ignoring the proceedings to climb on the throne. “Her name is Isault. When she sits on my lap and purrs, it brings me joy.”

One by one, each of them named something that had brought them joy in the past year. Yet as they did so, none of them smiled, and the tone of their voices was heavy. Every other year, the festival of joy was a day of celebration, but this year was different.

As the last member of the court finished presenting on their creation – joy arete, the joy they gained from the pursuit of excellence – another member of the court rushed to the window.

“Look!” he said. “The sun is rising!” He pointed, and sure enough, the sun was beginning to ascend above the rooftops outside.

“No one is dead,” said an elderly woman. “We must have been so busy sharing our – joy – with each other, that the Cult couldn’t sneak away and kill any of us.”

For the first time all night, the members of the court smiled.

No one has died in the night! Day 6 begins and will end in 36 hours, at 2020-10-26T03:30:00Z. With 10 players alive, majority is 6.

End of day is again being extended to compensate for time. Sorry about that. Start of Day for the next day will be scheduled at the regular time.

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This is bad, we are on LyLo.

I’m hitting the reset button on my readlist since our last plan didn’t work out well

Marshal can we get a mass ping?

this is gonna be a loss


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So could you tell me why you aren’t a wolf?

I mean I explained why all scumreads on me hold no ground

but other than that nobody cared about last day wagons because they were V/V so wolves did not care about results since 1 village gets lynched anyway and the other one gets lynched next day

I think ben might be town at this point.

So by your logic, you think Sulit and PKR are wolves since they didn’t care