[VFM] SFoL -1: Hall of the Incendiary - Night 6 - Cult wins!

I mean keeping as much villagers as possible makes it hard for town to yeet a wolf.

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Iā€™m just surprised that it took me this long to realize that Derps is scum. I shouldā€™ve realized it when thje hammer happened. Iā€™m sorry Whysper.

Derps whispered me asking me if I was alchemist and wanting me to side with him and other cult.

Oh god oh fuck

Shrek is MM their lying

Vote shrek their MM

Nice try. Youā€™ll be the yeet for today Derps.

Shrek is MM I didnā€™t whysper them!! Check logs theirs no whysper!!

Leafia can you find the posts where Derps was trying to push a counter to Ghhana wagon D3? I can look for them if not.

We canā€™t check logs and thereā€™s no MM in this game.

Leafia youā€™re so very special

Iā€™ll look for them.

So do you have any opinions on the thread so far.

This is also true, yes.
But I want to further the reasoning why it might be.

I have a feeling that town is on the wrong track with what we have been saying.
I think scum feel complacent and they will not die.

So I wish for us to turn things on its head a bit.
For those globally scumread, we need to avoid lynching themā€¦ and considerā€¦ those who are townread globally.

The first post of note that I found. Reluctance to vote for caught scum.

A vote for Whysper here.

Finally votes Ghana here. This was still D2 I believe.

Massively pushing Whysper here.

Here too.

Continues pushing Whysper.

The first time he pushed for me to vote Whysper out instead of Ghana.

Second time.

A third time.

I think this is enough to make my point. Instead of wanting to 4execute the confirmed scum who even he agreed was scum, he wanted to exe a possible town that ended up being town.

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The quotes where he says ā€œgghana scum but hes been given up on so im not voting themā€ are horrendously scummy I agree.

Itā€™s enough for me tbh

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While its true that it could give us a clue, it could be easily WIFOMā€™d, but the idea of flipping global read might be helpful

I think we should start by flipping Derps honestly.

Derps is not a global townread.
I highly doubt that if Derps is scum that they would choose not to ignite.

That way they would get a free douse and ignite in 1 night instead of losing a member.

Iā€™m pretty sure you can douse and ignite regardless of how many scums are alive

Who is scum then PKR