[VFM] SFoL -1: Hall of the Incendiary - Night 6 - Cult wins!

I now have a question for you all that I believe is relevant: how do you read new players?

In my opinion, everyone answering this will give us more insight in how to read GGhana, especially considering that EOD, and their identity as a highly contested slot.

My own answer: I generally tend to read new players from the tone and circumstances around their posts rather than the content itself. They’re new, of course their content is going to be a bit odd, not to say it’s useless though.
Tone: How confident do they appear to be in the thread, and how comfortable? Are they asking lots of questions, and if so, how are they asking them?
Circumstances: Most new wolves I’ve seen are remarkably frozen, some rely on their partners to give them advice before every post and some are simply too scared any content will reveal themselves.

This is why I’ve considered GGhana a townlean, disregarding everything that happened EOD.


i wouldn’t credit him off of that
i think he has a solid understanding of FM mechanics, purely based off of the terminology he’s been able to use.

This makes sense Whysper and Ben, I just supposed I’d pose the statement anyways since it was on my mind.

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consistency, wim, presence

just because he learned terminology doesn’t mean hes gonna use it properly.

It’s like loading up a gun and firing it but not knowing how to aim it at someone

This being said, how do you apply that to GGhana?

yeah, i’ve seen that
what i was saying is that i think he doesn’t cling to ToL as much as you think

He dosent usually say he’s not busy he says he’s busy

I am not giving him credit but I dont think he should be scumread for it either

I assume he got it from speccing that one game

Yeah, this is a tough one. I usually take it on a case by case basis. Like first, it depends on if they are completely new to forum mafia or just new to the site. And I know people say wolves care more about appearance, but I think newbie town does as well. So I don’t really see this as AI. I guess I look more at whether there’s an overall feeling of consistency with the type of questions they ask and what statements they do make.

Like specifically for GGhana, he’s not completely new. He’s apparently spectating a few games. And he’s played ToL. I’ve been seeing his behavior as a town player who’s enthusiastic about his first game. And I see him jumping around suspecting everyone as paranoia probably developed from what he’s seen from spectating other games.

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his presence is obviously high just by the post count

his WiM is also seemingly high from the long pointless debate

and while I did not look at him that much from consistence prespective he has been pushing same logic (which makes sense if u agree on the premises) here for long time

I agree, which is why I wanted to know if Ghana was new in the beginning.

Yeah, I know some people thought you dwelled on that too much, but I could see why you were curious.

It does help give you that perspective they have to better build a worldview from their POV.

I think i ended up dwelling on it too much because i just didnt believe at first that gggana was new :P.


Thank you all for humoring me, I really believe focusing on this question will make solving GGhana that much easier.

As for myself, this snake is off to get his well-needed therapy, (relatively) mentally stable Slinky will return after the ads.

(If I’m back and haven’t started my Wagonomics 101 class, feel free to yell at me to do so.)


Yes, he’s definitely a special case. I’m wondering how much he actually spectated because he seems to know quite a bit. I never did spectate before playing, so I’m not sure how much it actually prepares a person for their first game.

Okay, everyone left yet Slinky was the only one to say he’s leaving. So all the rest are scum! :smiley:

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got nothin to say so i don’t say anythin

I raise you one and say he’s scum because he said he was going