[VFM] SFoL -1: Hall of the Incendiary - Night 6 - Cult wins!

lost in sulit spamfest

here is a cat for your journey


shapiro went from 212 to 60 posts

is this a scumtell or me being overly paranoid and specific

who knows !

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snake 75 to 23

i like his analysis today though

still high wim?


I mean, people dropping from d1 to d2 isnt AI imo. Its just, people not including all the nonsense they say on d1 to prompt discussion.

So im just- i might switch to misty if that gets something accomplished. I just trust her more than Derp.
Derp claimed he didnt wsnt Misty to doe bc mindmeld but that doesnt show that theyre village, and when I looked through derps posts I saw absolutely nothing there. It was all just responses to other people. So how can he mindmeld when it appeared he wasnt really thinking anything to begin with?

hi im

really annoyed for outside of game reasons

so iā€™ll answer the stuff later

I feel you

The Slinky has arrived. I didnā€™t think Iā€™d be gone this long, suffice it to say Iā€™ve had an interesting day.
Iā€™ll be backreading now, have I missed anything of major importance?

This is what Iā€™ve been feeling sometimes as well honestly.

Where the hell is everyone? Itā€™s less than three hours until EOD, and barely anyone is here. I have to wonder if this means wolves arenā€™t being pressured.

i mean theres no wagon thats more than 3 so

This is eh, I donā€™t like this. I donā€™t like the Whysper wagon especially, considering itā€™s comprised of two people I scumread on a relatively villagery person IMO.
While Iā€™m at it, /vote Derps @Arete

If you canā€™t guess my reasonings by now, you simply canā€™t read.

why not mist

Because I believe Derps has more scum equity than Mistyx does.

This is to say, I still scumread them both, however I am just more confident in my Derps read. If the Mistyx wagon picks up more though, and Derpsā€™ does not, I could be persuaded to switch I suppose.

i get you read them w/w but why derp over mist

Derps was the one to start the CFD onto gorta, and with what I believe is dubious reasoning. Gorta never should have been lynched there and frankly I still donā€™t understand why he was. With Mistyx, at least she had had a better early game with her apparent eagnerness to solve that just pushed Derps above her in terms of scum potential.

Iā€™d like to ask you the reverse: why Mistyx over Derps?

Mist was the one that was CFDed off of

if the cfd has malicious intent its more evident if the actual wagon is flipped rather than someone on it

I mean if mistyx is town derps kinda had no reason to push CFD there

i also have more reason to believe mist is scum than derp

/vote mist